Chapter 14: The Day Before Prom

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"The time has come for me to leave, Angelica. But, don't worry." The woman looked at me, eyes filled with honesty.

"We will see each other again..."

Something seemed to change, her expression... it seemed to hold a kind of darkness.

"You won't even miss me," I then heard her say.

My eyes widened as her words replayed in my ears. How could she even say that? How could I not miss her? I held onto her arms, though the bright light above us began glowing with more intensity.


"Don't leave me!"

I held tighter onto her arms, using every ounce of strength that I had in order to prevent her from being taken away. A tear then stroke my cheek as her arms began slipping away slowly.

"Don't you dare leave me!" I squealed.

Her legs began to hover over the ground, slowly rising, yet I didn't let go.

"Why was this even happening?" I thought.

Fate had brought us together just to tear us apart.

The universe can be so cruel.

Her eyes beamed with rays of light shining through them. I watched as the angelic being rose, ready to go back to her home. Her lips curved into a smile, though a tear marked with sadness crossed her face.

"Remember me."

I looked intently in her radiant blue orbs.

"How could I forget-"



My eyes immediately opened as my heart pounded against my chest. A tear trailed its way down my cheek, a tear marked with a strange sense of reminiscence. I felt the sweat forming on my forehead, as my body was still shaking due to the fear my nightmare had caused.

Why was I having these dreams? They felt so real. And, the angel... I think it was Katherine.

The dream was all a blur, however. I could see the images in my mind, yet my brain couldn't quite comprehend it.


I slowly took the covers off of me.

"...leave me," my lips seemed as if compelled or trained to say those words. Don't you dare.

I then felt this urge to walk towards my dresser, and so I did, not rejecting the sudden yearning. I felt the knob in between my hands, as I pulled the top drawer open. My eyes, then, gazed at what had remained in it, my photo book.

I felt the book under my fingers as I brushed it gently. Katherine has always hated photos. I could see it in her eyes. She wouldn't admit it, but she didn't have to.

I opened the book and allowed my eyes to scan the photos once more as my mind still pondered over everything.

What is it you're not telling me..?


Ring. Ring.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the caller I.D.



"Ah, Angelica. My, isn't your voice just beautiful over the phone."

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