Chapter 12: Katherine

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Little glances. That's all that was needed for us to communicate our admiration. My parents were oblivious. They chatted among each other about random trivial things, which Katherine and I pretended to listen to, and of course, we participated in the conversations, but our minds were never with them. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and wanting to scoot next to her, or whisper in her ear and say something sweet, bringing her to smile. And, I knew she felt the same way.

Because of her staring.

You see, your eyes communicate far more than what we anticipate sometimes.

"Angelica." I heard my mom's voice in the back of my mind. "Angelica." It became more clear.

I shook my head as I squinted, looking at my mom.

"Um. Yes?"

Katherine smirked as she wiped her lips with her napkin.

"She wanted to know how you liked the meatloaf," Katherine informed me.

I let out a faint giggle as I felt my cheeks redden due to my embarrassment. I knew I was zoning out, but I didn't realize I had completely tuned out my mother.

"It was amazing. You really do make the best meatloaf." I recovered.

"Doesn't she?" My dad agreed before leaning over the table to give my mom's lips a peck.

Almost instantly, I felt my eyes wandering away from the sight of them and landing back on Katherine. And, to my surprise, her eyes were already focused on mine, causing me to suddenly become nervous.


My eyes widened as they stared intently into Katherine's mystical-blue ones. I couldn't break the stare, though I wanted to look away. Her eyes revealed lust and yearning, yet she was trying so hard not to act on it. So was I. I gulped as her hands gripped the sheets as she looked down at me. I felt her legs brushing slightly on the sides of mine as she positioned herself over me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I wondered what was going on through Katherine's mind in that moment. When she came into the room, she didn't say a word. Instead, she climbed on top of me and just stared at me. All she did was stare. It was as if she was debating on something in her head. It was as if she wanted to kiss me, but tried, with every nerve in her body, to resist the temptation.

My bottom lip slowly separated from the upper as I struggled to let any words flow through them. I then noticed Katherine's eyes narrowing towards them, hungrily. Her stare began to be intoxicating, making it harder for me to breathe.

I gulped as I closed my eyes, in fear that I would make the wrong decision. If I were to kiss her in that moment, there was a possibility that she would reject it and be disappointed in me. Just the slightest possibility of her being upset with me, was enough to convince me to hold in my urges.

Though it was extremely difficult.

But then, warmth ran through me as Katherine's soft lips locked onto mine.

"Is this why she came over?" I thought, dwelling in confusion. Has she changed her mind about us only being friends?

Whatever the reason, I didn't question it. I just enjoyed every single second that we shared kissing on my bed. I felt her hair through my fingers as I held her close to me. I felt the warmth of her body, as my hands ran down her back. The kiss became very passionate very quickly. We've both had to hold our urges in for so long that one kiss triggered all of it. All of the longing. All of the yearning.

"Katherine," I spoke in between kisses.

Ignoring me, she trailed kisses down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. She was making it almost impossible for me to speak. My hand traveled up to her shoulders, holding onto them, as her kisses became more empowering.

"K-Katherine," I panted.

Her lips curved into a smile as her head popped up to look at me.


She bit her lip, shame reaching behind her eyelids.

"I tried to resist..."

That shame soon influenced her body, convincing her to crawl off of me. She settled for lying beside me, instead, her eyes never having left mine.

I shook my head as I leaned on my side, facing her. We just stared at each other for a while, seeing through each other's soul, and admiring each other's company. In that instant, time and space were irrelevant. Only her. A thought then came to me.

"Katherine," I whispered, once more.

Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she continued to gaze at me.

"Yes?" She spoke softly.

"Why are we doing this to ourselves?" I questioned.

In all honesty, I knew why. I knew exactly why, but for some reason, I couldn't help but feel like that was not enough. Being friends with her was not enough.

Her smile faded a bit as she sighed.


Something came over me as I covered her mouth with my hand, stopping her from speaking any further. Her eyes widened, the look of shock in her eyes. It was out of my character to do what I was about to do next, but in that moment, I didn't want to go on without my feelings being known.

"I love you," I confessed.

I felt the whole world falling silent as the most important three words flowed through my lips.

Katherine's eyes widened before squinting at me as my words had affected her.

"I love you more than words could ever show, and I think about you more than you could ever know."

I then breathed over her ear, sending shivers throughout her body.

"I've never loved anyone the way I love you. You're my everything."


Katherine's P.O.V.

I looked at her with my hurt eyes, yet I smiled, masking the hurt. Sad, wasn't it? It was a very sad thing that she wouldn't remember any of this. I guess the only thing I could have done was be honest with her. That's the least I could have done.

She stared into my eyes as she became vulnerable, anticipating my response, and so I gave her one.

"I love you too, Angelica," I managed to say before a tear streamed down my cheek.

She just stared at me dumbfoundedly, half smiling.

"No, Katherine," she then wiped away my escaping tear, with her thumb. "This is a good thing," her voice became slightly higher as it became clear she was now fighting against the tears that had wanted to stream down her face. "We're meant to be together," she believed.

We are. There was no doubt about that. I smiled light-heartedly, as I cupped her face in my hands.

"Are you happy now?" I needed to know she would be okay. "Your dad agreed to stop drinking and get help, your mom has returned, and Nathaniel is not bothering you anymore."

She pondered over what I had just said. Then, her eyes lit up, causing me to smile.

"And, it's all because of you, Katherine. You literally saved me..." She began to whisper before she wrapped her arms around my body, embracing me.

I guess she will be okay.

All that I had wanted was for time to freeze in that instant. I wanted to be in her arms forever, knowing she would be with me for eternity.

But, she will find me...

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