Chapter 7: Darkened Sky

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Katherine Hale's P.O.V.

I stared into the dark of the night and got lost in the stars. How beautiful and transcended it looked up there. I had always admired the sky and the mysterious things that occurred beyond our world. Beyond Earth.

"I can see why you brought me here," I heard Angelica's soft voice beside me. "It's so beautiful and peaceful here... and I love the vastness of the sky."

I smiled. "I used to go here all of the time to clear my thoughts."

We were on top of this grassy hill where we could practically look down at the city. And, being up so high made me feel more close and more drawn to the stars.

"Out of curiosity, what about the sky intrigues you?" I wondered what answer she would give me.

"Hmm..." She wore a thoughtful expression on her face as she pondered what it was, herself. A smile quickly appeared on her face. "I don't know exactly why, but when I look at the sky, I feel as if I'm at home. I feel... comfort and peace watching the stars above me."

My eyes widened. Looking at the sky seemed to induce the same effect on her as to me.

The look in her eyes then changed. They began to sparkle as she pierced her eyes into mine.

"I feel the same when I'm with you," she realized.

My lips separated ever so slightly as her words pounded in my mind. She felt safe with me, and that's all I had ever wanted her to feel. Ever since I saw her face, and those beautiful ocean-like eyes, filled with fear, I made it my mission to protect her. It made my heart frown that such an angel, such a gift from God, was being tormented and abused.

It wasn't right.

No one should have that much pain in their life. Especially not her.

Yet, she had gone around still believing in the good in the world... and in all of the people. She genuinely believed that.

She didn't see the bad. Or merely, she did a great job ignoring it.

I pursed my lips as I shifted my body again, facing the sky. If only you knew... how much you mean to me, Angelica. If only...

"Angelica," I breathed.

Her head was still facing mine, so I knew she was completely tuned in to what I was about to say next. I gave her an assuring smile as I reached for her hand.

"I know I'm your teacher, and you probably only think of me as your teacher." I got lost in her eyes. "But-"

My words were interrupted with another kiss from Angelica. My eyes widened but soon softened as I scooted closer to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her hands found their way around my neck as she began trailing kisses down my cheek and nibbling on my ear. I felt her hot breath on my neck, causing my nerves to run wild. I couldn't believe how this girl made me feel. She was worth my time. She was worth me coming back for her every time.

My eyes awakened as I slowly and gently pushed her away from me, but never once letting go of her arms. I just left my hands there, not able to move them.

I noticed the look in her eyes changing again. She looked as if she were lost. She didn't know what we were doing. She didn't know what this was, but it was clear that whatever it was... it was real. More real than anything else in the world. And, no matter how hard I tried to reject these feelings, my heart would always remind me that they were there.

I didn't think I could ever lose those feelings, and I never did.


Angelica Rose's P.O.V.

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