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THE QUDDITCH World Cup stadium was one of the largest stadiums that Arabella had ever seen. Fred and George had laughed at her several times already for stopping to stare at her surroundings. They had laughed because it was unusual for Bella Flannery to be interested in anything, other than the autobiography of Newt Scamander - which she treasured greatly.

"Blimey, Dad! How far up are we?" Ron exclaimed, looking down beyond the barriers at the people below, making his legs shake a little. Arthur ignored his son, as the man was too busy taking in the marvellous sights. From the constant flashing lights, the floods of extravagant costumes and the enthusiastic cheering, this was undoubtedly the most incredible Quidditch building that Arthur, and Arabella, had ever seen.

"Well, put it this way; if it rains, you'll be the first to know." An annoyingly familiar voice chuckled, and Arabella scowled when she looked down to see Lucius and Draco Malfoy directly below.

"Father and I are in the Minister's box; a personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself!" Draco gloated, making Lucius hit his son in the stomach with a cane.

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people." He dismissed, staring at the Weasleys with disgust. The redheaded Ravenclaw took much offence to this, as she considered the family to be like her own. She always had been very protective over the people that she cared about, Fred and George especially.

"Those people are more important than you'll ever be, Lucius." Bella snapped, and became surprised when the blonde man smiled. A sinister smile, yet still genuine.

"Do have fun, won't you? While you can." He smirked, walking away proudly with Draco following behind. Arabella often thought that the boy reminded her of a lost puppy - constantly following his father around aimlessly like he didn't know what he was doing or where he was going. Many times she had tried to convince herself otherwise, but she knew that by doing that she would just be lying to herself.

As the group found their seats, George jumped, quite literally, with joy. The crowd began to roar in anticipation, and the ginger boy became so excited that Fred and Arabella jokingly discussed sedating him. With the way that George was bouncing along the seats, Bella began to think that was not such a bad idea after all.

Since the talk with the Malfoys, the twins had acquired scarves and hats in the colours of the Irish team, and they seemed to be the only two out of the group of eight that sported the white and green. Bella wore the Irish scarf, though had the hat of Bulgaria since she still was unable to decide which team to support. Her best friends had told her to support both, so that's what she did.

There was a sudden gush of wind, followed by several men on brooms and green smoke. "There's the Irish!" Fred shrieked.

"There's Troy!" George replied.

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