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          AS ARABELLA had predicted, Zoe and Erin didn't talk to her for the whole twenty-four hours after her argument with the blonde.

Not that she cared, for she was frankly quite glad that she got some peace and quiet in her dorm room - even if it did make things ten times more awkward.

Despite the deadly glares and the occasional middle fingers sent both Deanna's and Bella's way, the girls doubted that their roommates' rage would last. They both knew Zoe and Erin well enough to realise that whenever they disliked someone, it would involve giving them silent treatment, bitching about them behind their backs, and then they would most likely move on and become best friends with them again.

Arabella could only hope that their hatred didn't spiral into spreading rumours around Hogwarts; God forbid what would happen if gossip made its way to the Slytherins.

Deanna and Bella both had a free period that day, thus using it to catch up with dreaded homework and other responsibilities that came with being in sixth year. They were both sat on a wooden bench in a long corridor of the castle, scanning a Potions book as quickly as possible so that they could have more spare time to do whatever they wanted.

Before having to make their way to History of Magic class with Professor Binns, of course.

History of Magic was the only class that Arabella loathed - she even found Potions with Professor Snape more sufferable than listening to Binns' raspy voice. The redhead wouldn't be surprised if he was there to live through most of the topics she was taught in his class; he was a ghost that was clearly of a considerable age.

"Dreaming about me again?" George remarked, startling their friend as he abruptly placed himself beside her. Bella hadn't even realised that she was lost in thought before George had pointed it out, which happened far too often for her liking.

She shoved him playfully. "Yes, Georgie. I was dreaming about you." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes before turning her gaze to Fred, who stood in front of the girl with a beaming smile.

"What did I tell ya, Fred? Knew she was madly in love with me."

The comment earned him yet another shove from Arabella. "I really hate you sometimes, George Weasley."


"Right, we best get going, Georgie." Fred suggested, slapping his twin brother on the back.

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