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          DEANNA AND Arabella had spent a total of three hours in their dormitory (they had promptly kicked Zoe and Erin out in the second hour), both stressing and perfecting their Yule Ball dresses where they would be meeting their dates at the bottom of the staircase. Deanna was attending the dance with Michael Corner, and although she would never tell him, the poor girl had to use him as a last resort because nobody else had asked her. In fact, it was so last minute, that she only knew she was going with him two days prior.

        "I can't believe I have to dance with Viktor in front of the school. Let's hope he can dance, because I sure as Merlin can't." Bella moaned while slipping on her red heels. Her dress was red too, allegedly to match Viktor's Durmstrang outfit, but secretly Bella also bought it because it matched her fiery ginger hair.

        "Yeah, but Harry Potter practically has two left feet, and he's got to dance too. At least you're not as bad as he is." Deanna mumbled while applying lipstick. "And your date is a Bulgarian Quidditch hunk. Michael is a shaggy-haired hormonal boy with a squirrel for a Patronus."

        Bella snorted with laughter. "That's true, I suppose."

         Moments after, the two Ravenclaws opened the dormitory doors together. Walking slow down the steps (to be careful of not slipping and breaking their ankles), they were soon across the courtyard where the sky and the grass were white with flurries of snow. Following some familiar faces, including Erin with her date Anthony Goldstein, they entered the hall in awe.

        The room was filled with hues of silver and icy reflects of blue; icicles hung from the ceiling like chandeliers. Statues complimented the room among the mass of students, of whom were crowded around the seemingly empty stage. In the middle of the room was the dance floor, making the redhead swallow hard at the thought of the dance.

        Arabella pointed towards the buffet table when she saw a mop of black hair. "There's Michael. Go say hi and I'll find Viktor." She spoke to Deanna.

         Her friend groaned. "Uh, fine."

         Bella sighted Viktor swiftly - he had joined the rest of the Champions and their dates in a formal line within the entryway of the Great Hall. She joined his side, linking her arm with his, and the music started; signalling for the four pairs to began their walk to the middle of the well-decorated room.

          Every other student was clapping for the Champions; each of them sending smiling, warm gazes which made Arabella's heart flutter (although their grins were incomparable to the way Viktor's smile made her feel when he looked at her).

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