12. Grieving

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"It's been three days. I think we should just give up on her waking up." That voice sounds familiar. A picture of an owl comes to mind... Huh?

"When I decide it is time to give up on her, we will. Until then, please keep your mouth shut, Miss Malick," a young female says.

"How dare you address me like that?!"

"I can address you how ever I please although I choose to be polite most of the time."

Ugh. I squish my eyes together more. These people are hurting my head. Their voices are gradually getting louder and they weren't quiet in the first place!

A man shouts above both of the bickering voices. "Can you both shut up?!" Two gasps fill the room. "You've been arguing non-stop the entire time she's been unconscious," the male continues, sounding exasperated.

"Don't you dare tell me to shut up, Callen. I am Amir of Kaimu. Learn your place."

"Yes, Mr. Rodriguez. Kaimu is fortunate to have such a distinguished figure as I on their Aeropagus. Show some respect!"

"So now you guys can agree?!"

Ok. That's it. I open my eyes and sit up, swaying a little bit. "Can all three of you shut up?!" I meant to shout it but it came out more like a croak. I rub my throat. Jeez. I need some water.

Everything was still for a moment. They all turned to stare at me, their eyes wide open. Is it that much of a spectacle to see me awake?

Hold up. Why are these people in my room?

Then, it all comes rushing back. Meeting Brandon, turning into a vampire, Brandon getting arrested, his trial, the odd humans with powers. His death.

"Please tell me that it was all a dream. Please tell me he isn't actually d-dead," I whisper while looking up at the people in the room. I now recognize them to be Amorisa, Callen and Novaj Malick. The sympathy in their eyes, even Ms.Malick's, gives me my answer.

I close my eyes, hoping to shut out the pain. Why? Why did this have to happen to us?


I open my eyes again but no one is in the room. I am now lying down under the covers. Huh. I must have fallen asleep and someone tucked me in.

It's baffling that my gift could take so much out of me though. According to their conversation, I was unconscious for three days. Three days! Those humans really were powerful...

The girl. I had almost forgotten about her. Almost. It's strange though. I can't seem to find the vicious rage that I had before.

I sigh aloud. I just can't believe that he's really gone. If I had only noticed what was happening sooner! Maybe I could have stopped her. He did everything he could to get to me. I bet he even used his gift to get them to drop that force field thing. He did all this to try and save me but he was the one that actually needed saving. And I failed him. My fists clench and my nails bite into the palms of my hands. I can feel the tears running down my face.

"You aren't to blame, Janelle." I look up to see Amorisa in the middle of the doorway. How did she know I was thinking that? She walks towards me. "If it was anyone's fault, it was mine. I am Amir. It is my duty to protect all the vampires in Kaimu. But I wasn't even strong enough to get past the barrier those witches put up. I failed both of you."

"It isn't your fault either, Amorisa." Wait. Hold the phone. "Did you say witches? So that's what they were! Jeez! Witches are strong."

"Clearly not strong enough for you two," she says, giving me a pointed look. There's silence for a moment while I sport a sheepish expression. "So you have an ability."

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