2. Adjusting

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I explain to Brandon what I know about vampires, which isn't much since any of these myths could be true. He doesn't freak out or pretend not to believe me or anything like that. He remains calm, cool and collected. How can he not be freaking out? Hmm. I guess I'm not the only one with unnatural adjusting abilities.

There's a minute of awkward silence. Then he says, "Race ya to the pond." Lol what? Did we not just have that conversation?

I shrug. Whatever. I'm not going to force him to lose it.

He takes off and I sprint after him. Running like this feels amazing. It doesn't take that much effort and it feels like I will never get tired of doing it.

I am inches away from him now and I have the pond in view. We are fifty-five meters away. I push myself a little harder and pass Brandon. We bend over panting, trying to catch our breaths. I can't believe I can run faster than him. I guess I was more athletic as a human? Lol. I highly doubt that. I guess all that muscle slows him down...

"Ha-ha! You lose!" I say while sticking out my tongue. Did I really just do that? Now he's going to think I'm really im-

Who is that? I see a face reflecting in the water. Wait! Is that me? Is that really me? "I know. We look a liitle different, but not in a bad way; actually better," he says when he finds me staring. My skin is really smooth and blemish-free. My hand flies to my face. When I tilt my head my almost gold eyes shine like if there's a light behind them. It looks... otherworldly. My eyes were always unusual but now...my goodness!

Then this agonizing pain starts up in the back of my throat. I can feel my hands clawing at it. I think I'm scraping off skin! Calm down Janelle. Taking off your skin won't help. I wish I would listen to me though because I can't stop. Brandon has a worried look on his face but soon he notices the pain in his throat and grabs at his too. Unfortunately, I know exactly what this means.

"Let's feed," I squeak.

"Feed?" he squeaks back.

"We are vampires, remember?"

"So you mean we are going to kill some people?" he says with alarm in his voice. No. I will not become a murderer if I can help it. Traditional vampires have to drink human blood but modern vampires can survive on animal blood. Hmm... I guess it's time to experiment.

"No. We're going to feed on animals." Oh God! I really hope this works.

I smell the air searching, whipping my head in different directions. Brandon realizes what I am doing and starts smelling too. Then both of our heads stop. I can tell he smells them too. Somehow my brain tells me it's four tigers. I don't know how but I don't care. Two for him and two for me. And they smell delicious! I run twice as fast as I did just now, pushing myself to the limit. Brandon sprints alongside me. Something takes over me because I don't know what I'm doing until all the blood is drained from two of the tigers. I can't believe I just did that!

I look for Brandon and realize he is just finishing off his second one. Wow. This is my life now. I wonder if I can still eat food!

"That was disgusting" he says when he's done.

"I know." And boy do I know it!

We sit down against a tree because I guess he feels... full too. The pain in our throats has died down completely. Thank God! We can survive on animal blood. Though I don't know how he can sit here like...like we just scuffed down some burgers! I mean we just drank the blood of two tigers for crying out loud! "How come you aren't freaking out or something?" I ask him.

"I try not to think about things too much as to not freak out."

Ok. I guess that makes sense. I understand what it's like. You just want to enjoy the ride. You don't want to think of things too much or the thoughts will spoil the mood. We sit there for a while until our stomachs settle. Then a slow smile spreads across my face. Let's have some fun!

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