5. Resisting

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I end up on one side of the road, watching cars pass by but smelling the humans on the inside. I take a deep breath and let in the human scent. My hand twitches. I want to rip my throat out. Deep- Well no deep breaths. That definitely won't help. I probably should have fed before doing this. Yes, that would have been smart. Okay. Focus. Here goes.

I cross the road trying really hard to walk as human-like as possible, which by the way is really really really slow. I have been sprinting places since I became a vampire but jeez! Did I seriously walk this slow when I was human? Even now, I probably look like I'm power walking.

I see a woman that looks about her mid-thirties and seems pretty friendly. I approach her.

"Um... excuse me?" I say, careful not to look into her eyes since I can apparently control people. I am so close to her I can see the blood pulsing in her veins. I need that blood. No, you don't! Yes I do. Janelle, just shut up. I'm arguing with myself. Talk about boarding the cray cray train.

She turns around and her eyes widen but she cramps down on it. Why is she surprised? Then her eyes narrow. What the hell?! I continue "Yes. Hi, do you know where the nearest airport is?"

"Yeah," she says begrudgingly. I wait for her to continue. She doesn't. Huh. Why the attitude? I take a deep breath, and then I fake a laugh.

"Will you tell me where it is?" I ask while fake-smiling.

She sighs melodramatically. Lord, help me. "It's about ten miles from here. You'll see signs."

"Thank you so much!" I say sarcastically, still fake-smiling.

"Uh huh" she says and walks away. I have the urge to go after her but for the first time not for her blood. Though that would be a bonus. I cross the road and go back into the jungle.

I can do this! I can actually do this! I could go back to my life! I can't go just yet though. An airplane is full of people, blood-filled people. It is not a good idea. I also want to go to home to my family and prove to them I'm not dead. It would be horrible of me to just go to school and then have them hear in the news that I have been found. If I go to see them, I will have to explain why I look different. I can't tell them what I am. I have to think about this some more. I practice walking back to the pond instead of sprinting.

I get to the pond and Brandon is still sitting there. He looks up with his face full of confusion. Then it vanishes. It's probably because I smell like humans.

"You're actually walking. Practising for the future right?"

Oh. That's why he looked confused. I refuse to answer him though because I am still angry with him for trying to negotiate with me. The nerve of people sometimes!

"So you're not talking to me anymore?" For a few moments, there's silence. He continues when he realizes I am not going to respond. "Well you did seem pretty furious when you took off. I guess I shouldn't have tried to make a deal, knowing how sensitive you are of both subjects."

I roll my eyes while laughing inside. Sensitive! Wow, he is so obnoxious. I need to hunt though. So I turn around and practise walking on the way there.

The next day I decide to get some new clothes. I kept some money in my backpack in case of emergencies. So I will be able to buy some things. I drain a deer before I go. Whoa. Drain a deer. I really got to work on what I will say around people. Imagine me waking up in the morning and telling my roommate 'Be right back. I got to go drain a deer'. She'll think I'm crazy. Not that it's far from the truth...

I am about to take off with my bag but Brandon asks me where I'm going. I am still not talking to him but I don't want him to think I am leaving him for good, so I tug at my shirt. He seems to get it because he nods at me.

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