7. Calling

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A few more weeks pass and it starts to get colder. Winter is here. Soon it will be winter break at all schools. That is when I want to visit my parents and probably my sister too. Fortunately they both live in Milton where it will be less sunny than most states. I still don't know if we burn in the sun or not. And I'm scared to find out. What if it is true? No more beach trips for me. I don't know how I will survive!

And the airport business. I really shouldn't use a missing girl's passport. Plus, a four hour flight? In a plane full of humans? Don't think so! Hmm... maybe I don't need to go on a plane. Maybe I can just sprint home. I could be there in two days or so. I think... Well it doesn't matter how long I take. I won't get too tired unless I use my gift.

Hold the phone! It's been about six months since I went missing. Everyone probably thinks I'm... that I'm dead. Oh my god! I probably had a funeral already. Wait. What am I saying? My mom would never plan or allow anyone to plan my funeral without seeing my body. I know my mom. She's way too stubborn.

I... I have to call her. I have to call my parents. But what will I say? 'Hey Mom! I've been turned into a vampire. I've been living in the jungle to survive'? No. I need a plausible story. And how will I explain my now perfect skin? 'I let you think I'm dead so I could get plastic surgery'? And how will I feed while there? Milton doesn't have any animals unless they're pets. If all the dogs go missing right after I come back, what will people think? Oh Brahman. I have a lot of work to do. I need to come up with something good. And fast. I only have a few hours until Brandon starts to wonder where I am. I'm supposed to be hunting.

Okay. I think I've got it. It has in some truth mixed in with the lies. That's always the best way to go. Now to call my mom. Oh lord.

Okay. Deep breaths, Nelle. Deep breaths! You can do this. You have your story. Now just stick to it and you'll be fine. I dial my mom's cell. Oh gosh! It's ringing!

"Hello?" My mom's silky voice comes through the phone. I immediately feel the tears running down my cheeks. I didn't realize how much I missed her.

"H-h-hey Mom." Oh man! I sound so choked up. C'mon! Stay strong Nelle!

There's silence on the phone for a while then a whisper comes through. "Janelle?"

I just can't hold it in anymore. I start to ugly-cry and I don't ugly-cry unless it's into my pillow. I don't know how I'm going to do this. Lying to my mom. I was thought to be dead! "I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry!" Well so much for being strong.

We are both sobbing now. It's kind of funny though. My mom is the one who always told me to never ugly-cry in public. 'Save your tears for your pillow' she always says. I remember every single time she said that, I used to think of Abby from Dance Moms.

When she finally gets herself under control, she speaks. "What happened Nellie? They... they all thought you were... that you were... that you were dead."

"I guessed that. But you were adamant and said if you don't see a body then I can't be dead, right?" I smile slightly. I know my mom.

I hear her low chuckle through the phone. "You know me so well my Nellie."

I take a deep breath. "I missed you so much, Mom. I love you. You know that right? Like so much."

She starts to cry again. I try to stop but I can't. Only my mom could do this to me. "I know sweetie. I know. And I missed you too. And you know I love you. More than anything."

I can't help but smile. "Yeah I know." I'm surprised she's not mad yet. I mean knowing my mom she should be barking off my head right now. But hey! I'm not complaining.

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