13. Switching

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The sound of crying is the first thing I hear when I walk through the attic door. My feet follow the noise. Then I see her. The girl. Brandon's killer.

Time seems to stand still while I stare at her. She hasn't realized I'm there yet. I made sure to travel as quietly as possible. I also ensured that Amorisa left me alone for a little while. I have no idea what I'm going to do. She killed Brandon but can I really bare to torture her? My previous anger has fled. I don't feel anything inside except for anguish and despair.

I could starve her for days. I could burn her alive. I could carve Brandon's name into her skin. I could even cut off each one of her limbs with a blunt knife... Stop picturing it, Janelle! And get that smile off of your face! Wow. Sadistic, much?

But none of this matters because torturing her won't bring him back. Nothing will bring him back!

She probably sensed that someone was there because she lifts her head up. Her gaze connects with mine. And that's all it takes for the fury to return. That look is all I need. The raw desperation in her eyes is so palpable, almost tangible. How dare she? How dare she look at me like that? How dare she do that after killing him? She made her choice so she should stand firm in it!

Why? Why would you silently beg for your life? You are a rogue witch that chose to attack a bunch of vampires. You chose to attack a group that included the Amir and her Aeropagus. How dare you look like that now? You disgust me.

I can't bear to look at her. I can't even bear to be near to her.

I turn around and begin to walk away. Her voice stops me. "W-w-wait." I groan inwardly. Is she on a suicide mission now? Can't she tell I am revolted by her very presence? Yet, I stand there, facing away from her, waiting for the girl to continue.

"W-what with you me?" Huh? She tries to correct herself but keeps stumbling over her words. This situation is laughable but it's a waste of my time. I cut her off mid-word-jumble. I can't call those string of words sentences now, can I?

"It seems that you haven't come to a certain realization yet so I'll enlighten you. I have thought of several ways I could torture you. I have also contemplated several methods I could use to kill you. The only reason I am not experimenting with my ideas is because I am repulsed by your very existence. However, despite all of this, you proceed to keep me here, wasting my valuable time, not even being able to form a coherent sentence. Does that sound like a sensical thing to do?"

She peers at me from under her eyelashes. "S-s-sorry," she mumbles. I can't help but roll my eyes. Pathetic. Maybe I really should put her out of her misery...

"W-what are you going to do with me?" My eyes widen slightly. Wow. She actually made a long, comprehensive string of words.

"To be honest, I don't know. I want nothing to do with you." I resume my journey to the door. For the second time, her voice stops me in my tracks.

"I had no choice, you know. Y-your friend was going to ruin everything. I couldn't allow th-" Her words are cut off by a hand wrapping around her throat. Wait a second. That's my hand. How did I get over here?

The girl scratches at my forearms, leaving trails of blood behind, struggling to breathe. Surprisingly, I don't register the pain. I don't care. My breathing falters for a few seconds. I really don't care. The truth of this statement shocks me to my core.

I gradually tighten my hold on her neck. "Are you freaking serious?" Whoa. I don't even recognize my own voice. It's so cold and devoid of emotion. Wasn't that question supposed to be permeated with anger?

"I don't care what your plan was. I don't care that Brandon, the person that you murdered, was going to ruin it. I don't care that you felt that you had to stop him. I. Don't. Care." At this point, her eyes are nearly popping out of her skull and she's stopped fighting. She's trying to concentrate on getting at least a little bit of air into her lungs. Despite all this, I can't seem to loosen my grip.

Janelle, you need to calm down now.

Nelle, your hold on the girl's neck is still tightening.


I really wish my hand would listen to my frantic internal monologue. My grip still would not slacken. If it continues like this...

Her head flies off into the air and smacks the ceiling. It ricochets and hits the ground. The head then bounces twice and proceeds to roll until it comes to a halt.

I look down to my hands to realize two things. First of all, my hand isn't holding anything. Secondly, it is drenched with blood. My eyes roam and I am now conscious of the red splatter that covers everywhere, even my own body. What just happened? Did I do this?

I look to the floor hesitantly, terrified of what I might find there. Her headless body lays on the concrete, unmoving, at my feet. Oh God. Please tell me this isn't real. Please! The blood is even drenching my stiletto boots.

My body slumps to the ground as I release the most blood-curdling shriek. No. No, no, no, no, no! I grip my head in my blood-soaked hands as the sobs rack my body. This can't be really happening. I'm a killer. I'm a cold-blooded killer.

The scent of her blood finally registers in my brain and my pupils dilate. I can't think anymore. I can't even control my own body. I need her blood.

It's like I'm trapped in my body beyind layers and layers of glass. The only sense I have managed to retain is my sense of hearing. A few seconds later, the weakened sound of the door flying open and banging on the wall reaches me but I know it's too late by now. The deed is already done. Far away, I can faintly hear Amorisa's voice.

"Oh shit."


Salut, mes amis!!! Thanks for reading :) Please tell me what you think in the comments below! How will this affect her? Also, did I do the emotions justice? I always seem to have problems with that lool.

Also, I apologize to anyone who is offended by the graphic descriptions :(

This chapter is dedicated to @flower786. She's been reading and voting from chapter one ^_^

Last thing. Can anyone guess why I named the chapter 'switching'? You might get a dedication... ^.^

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