Chapter 4 - "They don't call me the master for nothing."

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Lennon climbed into the backseat of Jordan's car and was greeted by her backup band.

"So, what are you bringing tonight?" Ace asked.

She acknowledged his question with a look, but nothing more.

"A Yankee candle?" Max asked, turning around from the front seat.

"A bottle of wine?" Ace added.

"You mock but don't come crying to me when you don't get asked back," Lennon said.

"What does it smell like?" Max asked.

Ace grabbed the brown paper gift bag before Lennon could fight him and gave the bag a sniff.

"Something sweet," he said, tossing it to Max.

"Sickly sweet," Max said, pulling the bag away as soon as he got a sniff.

"Give it to the master," Ace said, grabbing it back.

They watched as he took a sniff and then was silent, seeming to think it over.

"Pomegranate?" he guessed.

Two sets of eyes looked to Lennon.

"How do you do that?" she asked in disbelief, snatching the bag back.

"They don't call me the master for nothing."

"No one calls you the master," Max said.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Ace asked.

"Yes," she said reluctantly.

"Is it a candle?" Max asked, eager to be right.

"It's handmade soap," she said, bracing herself for their reaction.


"That's a grandmother gift."

"You've got to be joking."

"What else was I suppose to bring? He lives at the Ritz Carleton."

"A 'thank you' would be fine," Ace said.

"But I can't show up - "

"Without bringing a gift" they finished together.

"This isn't a bad lesson to learn," Jordan said, coming to Lennon's aid.

"You're just saying that because you want us to bring something when we come to your house," Max said.

The argument quickly unraveled and somehow they ended up discussing Jordan's inability to let people in, the boys mostly calling to light their lack of invitation to his house.


"I'm so glad you made it. Matt Watkins" Matt said, offering a hand to Ace and Max as they entered the party.

Introductions were made and soon he was leading them through the crowded room, nodding hellos at the people he passed. They walked out onto the balcony and Lennon could see Kade, in a circle of people. He let out a loud laugh as they approached.

"Kade, Will," Matt said, getting their attention.

Lennon braced herself for an awkward hello and was shocked when Kade gave her a warm smile.

"Lennon, I'm so glad you're here," he said, giving her a big hug, as though they were old friends.

"Jordan," he said, offering his hand.

"Hey I'm Will, the drummer," the tall blonde with quiet blue eyes said as he offered his hand.

"This is Noah." he said, pointing to the guy beside him with brown curls, laughing eyes and dimples.

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