Chapter 16 - "I won't judge if it's love."

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Lennon thought her world might explode the day Matt had confirmed Kade and she were dating. Her phone had blown up with notifications minutes after the news had hit the Internet.

The fans reaction covered every extreme from horrified to strongly supportive and everywhere in between. She had made the mistake of trying to simply go online to find some information and she hadn't been able to get away from herself. She had tried to ignore it all and stay focused but when a picture of herself and Kade had popped up on the sideline with a catching heading she hadn't been able to resist.

Her outings with Kade had gone from mildly interesting to the public to the top news. People couldn't get over the fact that Hollywood's play boy was in a relationship, especially with her.

Since the announcement, Lennon's life had been hectic. When she found herself with a rare period of time where she didn't have to be at certain place, at a certain time she used the freedom to shop. Since stepping into the public eye she had become extremely aware of her lack of wardrobe; most of the clothes she owned were three years old and had seen several tours.

After spending a few hours at The Grove mall, Lennon found herself in her last store, her new wardrobe complete with the swipe of her card.

"Thanks so much," Lennon said, taking her card.

She took her bag and headed for the door. There was an event taking place at the mall and a crowd had grown in the short amount of time she had been in the store. She looked around, trying to gauge the best way to avoid the crowd.

She kept her head down and headed towards the parking lot. She paused a moment as a a crowd passed in front of her. Someone called her name and she looked around, confused. They called it again and she turned to see the group of girls catching up to her. There was five of them and they all looked excited.

"Are you here for the concert?" one of the girls asked.

"Concert?" Lennon asked.

"Are you going to perform with Josh Stone?"

"Is Kade here?"

"Does Kade know you're here?"

"Sorry," she said, trying to be nice but extract herself from the conversation as quickly as she could. "I was just doing a little bit of shopping. Enjoy the concert."

"Is Kade with you?" one of the girls asked.

"No," Lennon said.

"Can we get a picture?" one of them asked, as Lennon was turning to leave.

She looked at their expectant faces.

"Sure," she said with a smile.

"Selfie!" one of the girls said.

They crowded in around her and snapped the picture.

"Thank you so much!" one girl squealed.

"Tell Kade we say hi!" another girl said.

"Will do," Lennon said.

She turned to see a few girls who had moved closer as they were taking a picture. A few of them were giving her questioning looks but others clearly knew exactly who she was.

"Hi, I love your music," a girl said, approaching her.

"Thanks," Lennon said, starting to leave.

Her path was blocked as the small group around her drew more people's attention. Girls snapped pictures without even saying anything. Lennon tried to smile but keep moving. The crowd seemed to multiple by the second, bodies pressing in. She whipped her head around, trying to find a way out but she was pinned in. She couldn't see beyond the mass of girls.

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