Chapter four

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This is pre written as I am not home and cannot get to a computer where I am. :-) Enjoy.

Michael hurried into the school after the final bell, calling it the end of the day. It was Monday, and Michael was sick, he stayed home from school but had to come for the end of the day to go to Luke's, because he needed the money.

"Where the fuck were you?" Luke snapped when Michael finally got to the front of the school.

"I'm sorry," Michael croaked out.

"You didn't show up for free period, you wasted my time! I could have actually done something fun for once," Luke yelled, causing the remaining people to look.

"I'm sorry, I'm sick," Michael coughed. "I wasn't in school all day."

"So why did you bother coming now? Could have given us both a break," Luke said, crossing his arms.

"I need the money, I told you," Michael said.

"Then don't get sick," Luke shrugged.

"Well if you didn't make me walk in the rain, I would be so sick," Michael rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," Luke said and turned the other way, walking out the door.

Michael followed him, shivering. It was raining again, as it was their rainy season. Michael forgot his sweater with the hood so as he stepped outside his hair was getting wet, making him even more cold.

Michael wrapped his arms around his body as he watched Luke bike away. He sighed and started on the walk. He was already soaking wet and just wanted to go home, but he knew he couldn't.

As Michael turned onto another street he saw Luke. Instead of him being extremely far from him, Luke was heading towards him. Michael stopped as Luke approached him and raised an eyebrow. Luke sighed.

"Hop on," Luke said.

"What?" Michael asked, confused.

"Hop on, on my handlebars," Luke said.

"Oh- okay," Michael said and climbed onto Luke's handle bars.

Luke's hands gripped the handles and Michael gripped the metal beside them, his hands lightly brushing against Luke's. Michael gripped on as hard as he could as Luke turned around, pedaling back to his house.

"This doesn't change anything," Luke said as they arrived at his house in a much quicker time.

"I know," Michael said, hopping off. "Thank you."

Luke nodded. "I just don't need you getting sick and wasting my time again."

Michael nodded and followed Luke into his house. Luke took off his sweater and hung it up. Michael slipped off his shoes and stood by the door awkwardly. Once again, he didn't want to get Luke's house wet.

Luke stopped and looked at Michael. He sighed. "Hang on."

Michael nodded again as Luke headed up the stairs. He waited until Luke came down holding a black shirt. He handed it to Michael and then went to sit down. Michael walked quickly to the bathroom and took his top off. He slipped on the shirt and this shirt was a lot bigger than the other one Luke gave him. The arms went way past his fingertips and the bottom of the shirt hit just above his knees. Michael sighed and slipped off his skirt, as it was soaking and you couldn't even see it with the length of the shirt.

Michael put his wet clothes into his backpack and walked out of the bathroom and sat beside Luke. He placed the textbooks down and suddenly got a chill. He started shivering and his teeth started chattering. He felt like shit.

Luke looked at Michael. "There's a blanket behind you if you're cold."

Michael nodded and took the blanket, wrapping it around himself. His eyes were sore and felt heavy.

"Let's get started," Michael croaked, his throat sore as well.

Luke looked at Michael. "Why don't you just lay down for a bit? I don't want to do the work and you look like shit, you could use a little rest."

"I can't, I need the money, how many times do I need to tell you," Michael sighed.

"You'll still get paid. As long as you're here, my mom won't know you're not tutoring me," Luke shrugged.

Michael sighed. "Five minutes."

Michael pulled the blanket higher around him, curled his legs under him and laid his head on the arm of the sofa. He was so exhausted that he fell asleep within seconds. Luke just sat beside him, completely content with not having to hear Michael ramble about shit he could care less about and just be able to be on his phone in peace.

Michael was only asleep for about ten minutes when he startled Luke with a slightly whimper. Luke turned his head to look at the boy. He raised an eyebrow but ignored it, looking back at his phone. He answered a couple texts before hearing another sound come from Michael, a little louder.

Luke looked at the boy and moved his foot, nudging him slightly. When Luke's foot touched Michael, Michael let out a cry.

"Michael?" Luke said.

Michael started to squirm, crying out 'no's' and 'don'ts'.

"Michael!" Luke yelled this time, shaking him.

Michael jumped awake wide eyed, panting. Luke looked at him worriedly. Michael relaxed after realizing it was a dream.

"You alright?" Luke asked genuinely.

"I'm fine," Michael sighed. "I'm fine, I swear."

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