Chapter eleven

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This is a long ass chapter so I decided no smut. Next chapter, loves.

"Michael!" Luke yelled when he saw the small boy walk past him at the bike racks the next day. almost not noticing him in baggy sweatpants and a sweater. "Where are you going?"

Michael turned around and looked at Luke, a broken look on his face. Luke's stomach dropped and he walked towards Michael.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asked. The boy had a badly bruised cheek, black eye and what looked like a hand print on his neck.

Michael was silent for a moment. "You happened, Luke, it was you." He whispered.

"Me? I wasn't even in school yesterday," Luke said, confused.

"Your friends did this to me," Michael barely spoke above a whisper. He looked at his feet. "They told me what you said about me, they told me this is what you wished you could do to me."

Luke felt sick. "I- I never- I didn't put them up to this!" Luke yelled, his blood boiling. "Let's just go to my house and figure this out, alright?"

"No," Michael said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"No," Michael repeated. "I quit."

And with that, Michael turned around and took the painful walk to pick up his sister from school, ignoring Luke calling after him.


Luke gripped Calum's shirt and slammed him against the wall. "You beat him up?!" He screamed in his face.

Luke didn't even go home after school, he biked straight to Calum's.

Calum gasped and looked down at Luke, has he was practically lifting him off the ground. "Isn't that what you wanted us to do?"

Luke loosened his grip but tightened it again, slamming him once more against the wall. "Fuck no it wasn't! I just wanted you to simply tell him I didn't need him to tutor me, dammit!"

"Let me go!" Calum squirmed.

"Why, bitch? Why should I? You scared?" Luke said, getting his face closer to Calum's.

"Yeah, kind of!" Calum answered.

"Now you fucking know how Michael felt," Luke said, so close to Calum that he was spitting on him every word.

"Michael enjoyed every second of it," Calum smirked.

Luke lost it. He punched Calum right in the jaw and dropped him to the floor. "You're an asshole!" He yelled.

Luke turned around when he heard the door open, not caring about Calum's groans. Ashton walked through the door and glanced between Luke and Ashton. Luke wasted no time. He bolted towards Ashton and pushed him, so hard that the two of them stumbled back and into the glass door, causing it to shatter and both of them to fall onto the front steps.

"You asshole! You beat the crap out of him!" Luke yelled, colliding his fist into Ashton's cheek instantly.

"What the hell is going on?" Joy, Calum's mom said, hurrying into the room.

Luke got up and brushed himself off. His hands were bleeding but he didn't care. "Mrs. Hood," Luke started. "Your son, here, beat the shit out of a boy at our school, the boy who's tutoring me actually, and for no reason. So what happened here has to have happened, alright?"

Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He set down a fifty dollar bill. "For the door," He said, then left. He had one more place to stop at.


"Michael doesn't want to see you," Karen said to Luke.

"Ms. Clifford, please. I wasn't the one who did that to him! You have to believe me. My jackass friends did that, I just need to talk to him. Please?" Luke begged.

Karen sighed and looked inside then back and Luke. "You have fifteen minutes. He's in his room. Go."

"Thank you so much," Luke said, walking into the house, taking off his shoes and running up the stairs where he figured Michael's room was. He found Michael's room pretty quickly and knocked, opening the door slowly. He saw Michael sit up and look at Luke, and instantly frown.

"What do you want?" Michael whimpered.

"To talk to you. I just, I need you to know that I didn't want this to happen," Luke said stepping in.

Michael just stared at Luke, unsure of what to say to him.

"Can I sit?" Luke asked, motioning to the bed. Michael nodded slightly. Luke took a seat and played with his hands. Michael noticed they were bruised and covered in dried blood.

"What happened to your hands?" He asked softly, moving closer to Luke.

"I uh- no-," Luke sighed. He knew he shouldn't lie. "I punched Calum in the jaw, and may or may not have thrown Ashton through a door?"

"Oh my gosh," Michael giggled slightly. "You can't be that strong."

Luke laughed slightly. "Apparently, when I'm mad, I am."

"And for me?" Michael asked quietly.

"Yes, Michael, I did this because of what they did to you. I know we are not on the best of terms with each other, but I still would never wish what they did to you upon anyone," Luke sighed.

Michael sighed too and smiled to himself. But then his smiled faded. "What about the things they told me?" He asked.

"Well, what did they tell you?" Luke asked.

"That you think I'm disgusting, that I have a little boys voice, that I have no.. balls, and that, you want to puke every time you see me," Michael whispered, looking down at his lap.

Luke opened his mouth to speak, but closed it. He repeated the action, but closed it again. He didn't even want to look at Michael's eyes.

"You really said those things.." Michael breathed out. "Didn't you?"

"Michael, I can explain," Luke protested.

"No," Michael said. "Get out."


"I would have rather of just been beaten up, I wouldn't of cared, it was those stupid words that hurt the most," Michael said. "Get out!"

Luke sighed and got up. He headed to the door and went to open it but stopped. He turned around.

"Look, yes, I said those things. But did I mean them? Fuck no. Look, I'm just a stupid idiot who cares so much about my image and how I look in front of my friends. My friends, you know what, they're not even that anymore. But I'm such a fucking lame jackass, okay? I said those words, to look tough. I don't think you're disgusting, I don't want to puke when I see you. I actually think you're quite pleasing to look at. You really suit your style. And your voice, is fine, I don't know why anyone would make fun of someone's voice. I'm such a terrible person, but you know what, I'm going to admit it, because I've been living a life where I'm not happy with who I am," Luke spoke.

Michael had teared up just when Luke started. He didn't say anything, though. Luke closed his eyes and sighed. "I guess I'll go now," He said and turned around.

"Hey, Luke?" Michael asked quickly before he left.

"Yeah?" Luke said, turning around.

"Can I have my job back?" Michael asked softly.

Luke chuckled. "Of course you can. I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that, he left.

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