Chapter seven

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yo how much does it cost to get verified on wattpad lmao

"I passed the test," Luke said when Michael walked up to him at the end of the day.

"See! If you put a little work into it, it's not so bad," Michael grinned.

Luke shrugged and walked out of the school. Michael waited for a minute, smiling. He helped Luke, for once. And he could actually keep his job. Michael was finally good at something. Michael walked out of the school and stopped when he noticed Luke just sitting there on his bike.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked.

"I've given you rides for the past few times, I'm not going to stop now," Luke said, looking at Michael. "Besides, it makes things go faster."

"Oh," was all Michael said as he got on and gripped onto the handle bars.

Luke spoke up again five minutes into the ride. "Me passing means I get to keep you, and I'm one step closer to graduation."

"Keep me?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, as a tutor. That way you can still get payed. Keep helping with your family and stuff," Luke explained.

"So you did it just for me?" Michael asked, confused.

"No," Luke chuckled. "I kind of want to graduate, you know."

"Really? I thought you hated school and just didn't care," Michael said.

"I do hate school, but if I don't graduate I'll just have to take it again and again until I pass. My parents wouldn't let me live if I dropped out," Luke explained as he pulled up to his house.

Michael didn't get to reply after he hopped off the handlebars because Luke already took off into the house. Michael followed behind him slowly and walked in, taking off his shoes. He carried his bag over to Luke who was already sitting on the couch.

"What happened with your sister? Is everything okay between you two?" Luke asked as Michael sat down.

"Yeah, I just made her mac and cheese and she forgot about it," Michael chuckled as he took out the textbooks.

"So mac and cheese is the key, huh?" Luke smiled.

Michael nodded as he looked at Luke. This is one of the first times he's seen Luke smile genuinely. He did have a good smile. No matter how much Luke frightened him or pissed him off, the smile just for the few seconds it was on Luke's face, changed all of that. Michael licked his lips and looked at the textbooks. He leant back into the couch.

"Shouldn't you be in four classes? I never thought about this, but I'm only helping you with three," Michael asked.

"I'm not a complete idiot," Luke laughed. "I'm only flunking three out of four classes."

"What are you passing?" Michael asked, curious.

"Music," Luke said.

"Huh, you're into music?" Michael questioned.

Luke nodded. "Do you play an instrument?"

"No," Michael shook his head.

Luke pressed his lips together. "Well, why don't we change it up today and I teach you something for a change?"

"I don't know," Michael said quietly, nervous.

"Don't worry, I'll still make sure my mom pays you," Luke said, standing up. "Come on."

Michael nodded and stood up. He followed Luke up the stairs and into what Michael guessed was Luke's room.

"Wow," Michael said, looking around. "Your room is a lot cleaner than I thought it would be."

"You think of my room?" Luke smirked.

"No, uh," Michael's cheeks heated up. "It's just that the cleanness of someone's room tells a lot about them."

"Oh," Luke smirked again. "So what does my clean room say about me?"

"Shut up, Lucas. I'm not going to flatter you," Michael laughed, taking a seat on Luke's bed.

Luke walked over to the corner and grabbed an acoustic guitar and walked back to Michael, extending his arm. Michael just stared at the guitar.

"Have you ever held a guitar?" Luke asked.

Michael shook his head. Luke took a seat next to Michael and laid the guitar on his lap.

"Here, I'll show you," Luke said, as he laid his fingers over the neck of the guitar and used his other hand to strum something.

Luke played a short melody, something that Michael didn't recognize, but he didn't care because it sounded good. Luke stopped and looked at Michael.

"You try," Luke said as he took the guitar and laid it over Michael's lap. 

Michael nodded and laid his fingers over the neck of the guitar. He looked at Luke as Luke positioned his fingers. Michael bit his lip.

Maybe being Luke's tutor wasn't so bad. Maybe Luke wasn't so bad. Maybe this all wasn't so bad. Maybe Luke would actually be a friend of Michael's. Maybe Luke would make Michael be less alone. Maybe everything would be fixed. Maybe.

YO IM SO SORRY IT'S BEEN FOREVER IM SO SORRY. I started school and school is so mentally and physically draining. I'm going to try and get back on schedule but no promises! But aye, my birthday is in a week! It's next saturday :-) so if you wanna hmu, write it on your calendars! lmao I'm totally kidding.  

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