Chapter ten

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Luke sat in his basement with Calum and Ashton, smoking a cigarette.

"How's tutoring, dumb fuck?" Calum teased.

Luke just rolled his eyes. "Not good, I failed my history test."

"Man, pretty boy is that bad?" Ashton laughed.

"It's not that, I just can't even make myself listen! It's so boring, if maybe I had some hot chic tutoring me, maybe I could concentrate?" Luke said, pressing his lips together.

"So pretty boy Michael isn't pretty to you?" Calum said.

"Fuck no!" Luke said, sitting up and putting his cigarette out. "I just want to throw up every time I see him! And did you see that jean jacket he was wearing yesterday? How fucking ugly was that?"

Ashton and Calum laughed.

"And his voice, it's so high pitched! He sounds like a little boy. Maybe if I kneed him the balls it'd make his voice drop." Luke laughed.

"Or maybe his balls drop, I'm not sure they have yet," Calum snickered.

"Does he even have balls?" Ashton laughed.

"You're right, Ash. Maybe if I punched him in the stomach instead, that'd do something," Luke chuckled.

They all just laughed together until they finally calmed down.

"I'm not going into school tomorrow, I need a break," Luke said, after catching his breath from laughing so hard.

"Dude, it's Tuesday," Ashton said.

"I know, and I'm exhausted," Luke laughed. "Could you guys let Michael know I won't need tutoring tomorrow?"

Ashton and Calum exchanged looks. "Oh yeah we will."


Michael stood by the bike racks waiting for Luke the next day. He was late, again, but he had never been this late. The school was practically empty.

"Hey, pretty boy!" Someone yelled. Michael turned around and saw Calum and Ashton.

Michael just watched as they approached him.

"So, Luke isn't going to make tutoring today, he's not feeling good and wasn't at school today," Calum said as Ashton kept walking past Michael. Michael guessed that's why he wasn't waiting for Michael during his free period.

"Oh, okay," Michael said, he was about to leave but he felt something yank him back and he fell to the concrete.

Michael was on his back and he looked up to see Ashton holding his backpack. He scrambled to feet, frightened.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked.

"Just looking," Ashton said, dumping Michael's stuff all over the floor.

Calum laughed and reached down to grab something. "Is this a diary? How cute."

"Hey, give that back!" Michael yelled, trying to grab it from Calum, but Calum held it above hsi head.

Calum opened the diary and his jaw dropped. "Is that a drawing of Luke? Oh my god, he's not wearing a shirt!"

"Let me see!" Ashton said, walking over to Calum. "Holy shit!"

"Do you like Luke?" Calum laughed.

"N-no! That's not Luke, it's uh- someone else!" Michael protested, but he knew it was no use.

Calum ripped the page out and stuffed it in his pocket. The next page was completely filled with writing. The printing was small, and hand written, and Calum was too lazy to actually read it but he noticed the word "Luke" written a couple times.

"This is terrible," Calum laughed, book in half.

"No! My mom just bought me that!" He cried.

"Oh my god, you like Luke!" Ashton laughed. "You know what he says about you, right?"

Michael shook his head silently.

"He thinks your disgusting," Ashton said, walking closer to Michael. Michael backed up, but hit a wall.

"He told us your voice is like a little boys," Calum said, walking close as well.

Ashton kneed Michael in the crotch, causing Michael to yell out.

"Holy shit, you actually do have balls!" Ashton laughed loudly.

"Another thing Luke told us about you, he didn't think balls were something you had." Calum said. He lifted his fist and brought it to Michael's stomach, hard. Michael fell to the ground.

"He wants to puke every time he sees you," Ashton added, spitting on Michael.

"Luke would never like someone so, freakish, like you." Calum got on the ground and straddled Michael. (I can see the comments now.)

Calum lifted his fist and brought it down to hit Michael's right cheek. "Let's make you a little more manly, with a couple of bruises, alright?"

Ashton kicked Michael's thigh, hard. Michael couldn't do anything, the two boys were much stronger than him. All he could do was lay there and cry, just accepting it. He laid there for what felt like ages. Eventually Calum and Ashton got bored and left.

Left Michael, laying there, on the ground, bleeding, bruised and crying.

IM SORRY LOL. Next chapter, which I'm half way through, may or may not have smut hehe

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