Chapter five

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Michael left Luke's not long after his dream and walked to the elementary school that was twenty minutes from Luke's house. He walked in, said hi to the kindergarten teacher before going to find his sister. 

"Ariel, it's time to go," Michael spoke softly to the brunette that was playing with a barbie.

Ariel looked up at Michael and grinned brightly. "Mikey!" She squealed and stood up, taking his hand. 

"Thanks again for letting her stay late again. I really hope it's not a bother," Michael said to the teacher.

"Oh for sure not, I know your circumstances and I usually stay late anyways working on lessons and what not," She smiled.

Michael nodded. "Anyways, thanks." Michael smiled and left, walking the ten minutes home with his sister.

When they walked into the house, Ariel let go of Michael's hand and ran to go watch the tv. Michael giggled and took off his converse and walked to her.

"What do you want to eat for supper, Ariel?" Michael asked.

"Mac and cheese!" Ariel squealed.

"But you had mac and cheese yesterday," Michael sighed.

"Mac and cheese!" Ariel repeated.

Michael sighed again. "Fine, but next time you're eating something else."

Michael walked into the kitchen and started boiling the water. While he waited he plugged in his phone and put on Taylor Swift, dancing around and singing quietly. The water didn't take long to boil so he poured in the noodles and let them good. He drained the water and added the cheese then filled a small bowl for Ariel and one for himself. He poured her some chocolate milk and himself water and went to sit next to her.

Spongebob was on the tv so Michael snuggled up to the arm of the couch and watched the show with her. 

"More," Ariel said after a bit, holding up her bowl.

"There's no more, Ariel. That's it," Michael sighed.

Ariel frowned as her stomach growled and Michael sighed and handed her his bowl where he had some left. Ariel smiled widely and took it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Michael said quietly and leant forward to drink his water.

He finished the episode of Spongebob and then left the room to clean the kitchen. It wasn't extremely messy, so it didn't take long. Michael walked back into the living room after.

"Ariel, did you do your homework?" Michael asked.

Ariel shook her head. "Mommy needs to help me."

"Mom's not home," Michael said and sat beside her. "I'll help you."

"No, I want mommy to," Ariel argued.

Michael sighed. "She's working late tonight, she probably won't be home till after your bedtime."

"Then I won't do it," Ariel shrugged.

"Ariel, please. When mom's not home, I'm in charge. You have to listen to me," Michael said.

"Nuh, uh," Ariel argued.

Michael groaned. He hated nights when his mom worked late. Ariel was always a handful and barely listened to Michael. Plus the house was lonely, he just wish he had someone to help.


"So how's tutoring going?" Calum asked Luke as they sat in his basement. 

Luke shrugged and took a puff of his smoke. "I don't know, it hasn't improved my grade."

"Well have you been actually trying?" Calum asked.

"Nope," Luke answered.

Calum laughed and shook his head. "You know if you don't pass this next math test you fail the class, lose your tutor and can't graduate, right?"

Luke nodded. "I know, but there's no use, I'm stupid and can't do it if I tried."

"How do you know that if you've never even tried?" Calum asked.

"Because, I've been stupid all my life and can never do anything," Luke shrugged.

"Maybe you should just try, Luke. I don't want you to fail, I need my best friend to graduate with me," Calum encouraged.

"You're barely passing yourself!" Luke argued.

"The key word is barely, Luke," Calum sighed. "Come on, just try."

this was okay I hope. I'm really excited for the next chapter though.

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