Chapter thirteen

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Michael hopped off of Luke's handle bars and followed Luke into his house. They were laughing about something but stopped when they noticed Luke's parents sitting on the couch watching the tv.

"Glad to see you getting along," Liz said with a smile. 

"We just saw a man totally make a food of himself and trip over his own feet on the ride here," Michael said with a giggle, which caused Luke to laugh along as well.

"Well, Michael and Luke, we're going to cut the tutoring to an hour today, we have some family issues to deal with," Andrew said, breaking their laughter.

"Yeah, what's up? Why are you home so early, dad," Luke asked as he took off his shoes.

"We'll talk about it later, just get studying you two," Liz said and looked back at the tv.

Luke stared at them for a moment then shrugged. "Since you guys are sitting in our usual tutoring spot, I guess we'll study in my room."

"There's always the kitchen!" Liz shouted out but the two boys we're already hurrying up the stairs.

Michael sat down on Luke's bed and dug the history textbook out of his bag. Luke sat down next to him, their thighs touching. He leaned in and left little kisses against Michael's neck, causing the boy to giggle and squirm.

"Lucas! You have to study, your test is Monday and we both know you're not going to study over the weekend while you're alone," Michael said and shifted over on the bed.

"Mmm, that is very true, but I can't stop thinking of our study session a couple days ago," Luke said, moving over as well so he was against Michael again.

"Okay... but you and I both made the decision that nothing has been changed," Michael said and moved over again, but ended up falling off the bed instead and onto his butt. He let out a laugh and laid on his back, looking up at Luke's ceiling.

He heard Luke laugh as well and soon his vision was filled with the smiling boy. Luke leaned down and left a gentle kiss on Michael's lips. Michael melted into the kiss and reached up to cup Luke's face while Luke was focused on keeping his weight off of the smaller boy. Michael let Luke kiss him for a moment before pulling back. 

"As much as I am enjoying this much more than trying to teach your dumb ass, we do have to do some work," Michael giggled.

"Ouch," Luke said, but didn't move.

Michael turned his head and ran his fingers down Luke's bicep. "At least you have nice arms, maybe they'll be a little more useful that your brain."

Luke got off of Michael and onto his knees in front of the still laying down boy. "You're a pain in my ass."

Michael sat up. "Actually, Luke, you're the one who's causing pain in my ass."

Finally, Luke laughed. "What's gotten into you?"

Michael shrugged and got up, getting back on the bed and opening up the textbook. Luke sat back on the bed as well. "Why don't we make today a little more interesting and every study question I get right, you take off a clothing item."

"Luke, your parents are literally just down the stairs," Michael said as he flipped through pages to the chapter that Luke's class was being tested on.

"Well I'm bored already," Luke pouted.

Michael sighed. "Fine, the most I can do is for every question you get right I'll let you kiss me."


Michael hummed and got his first question ready. "What country did the Renaissance begin in?"

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