Chapter sixteen

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Michael adjusted the top of Luke's tie that was peaking through his graduation gown. "I'm so proud of you," he said.

"Well I couldn't have done it without my tutor," Luke said, winking at him. "I'm proud of you too."

"For what?" Michael asked. "Putting up with you for half the year?"

"That... And your scholarship," Luke chuckled.

"Why thank you," Michael grinned.

The two heard the men's bathroom door open and turned around. Luke's eyes met Calum's.

"Someone told me he saw you two come in here," Calum spoke.

Michael looked up at Luke.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm having a small get together at my house later on, after the ceremony, you can come if you like. I'm supplying the food and alcohol," Calum said.

"As long as Michael can come," Luke said, glancing between Calum and Michael.

Calum nodded. "Of course he can. You two look great together, by the way."

With that, Calum left the bathroom. Michael looked up at Luke.

"That was strange," Luke said. Michael shrugged. "Guess you're going to your first party."


Michael sat nervously in his chair. He had been working hard his whole life for this moment and he couldn't believe it was finally here. He was kind of sad that Luke sat many rows behind him, but he couldn't help that Hemmings was later in the alphabet than Clifford. Instead, Michael was sat in between Finn Cipler and Rosie Costner. He didn't know either of them well.

When Michael's name was called, his mom and sister yelled loudly from their seats on the side and Luke yelled even louder from the seats in the from.

"Yeah! That's my boy!" The whole gym could hear Luke yell.

Michael's face was red as be walked across the stage and shook hands with everyone and collected his diploma. The teacher that originally signed Michael to be Luke's tutor held his hand a little bit longer than everyone else did.

"I see that you two got along after all," She said with a smile.

Michael nodded and hurried off stage and back to his seat.

When Luke's name was called Michael stood and clapped loudly but he wasn't brave enough to yell. However, Luke did something even more brave up on stage.

After shaking the hands and collecting his diploma, Luke rushed to the microphone up on stage.

"I know students aren't meant to make speeches but I have to. My name is Luke Hemmings and I'd like to thank that cute boy over there, in the fifth row, with the lavender hair, for helping me be up on this stage today. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be who I became to be today. Thank you, Michael! I love you lots," Luke said into the mic.

The principle was trying to push Luke off the entire time and when he was done his speech he put his hands up, apologized and went back to his seat. The crowd went nuts for his seat. I guess teenagers love young love.

Michael met up with Luke after the ceremony and hugged him. "You're so embarrassing." He said.

Luke chuckled and hugged the small boy back. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Lukas. But I loved it, really."

Luke squeezed Michael as an answer and kissed his head. Michael's mom and Ariel made their way to the two the same time Liz and Andrew did. Michael pulled away from Luke to hug his mom and Luke hugged his parents. 

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