Chapter eight

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im so sorry

Michael went to school like normal that day. He wore his white floral dress with a copper sweater hanging off his shoulders to keep him warm in the cool fall weather. He wore his converse to top the outfit off. 

One thing different about today was that he was happy, overly happy. He didn't know what did it, but he woke up with a smile on his face and was excited to go to school. Michael happily strolled into school and happily put his stuff away in his locker and got what he needed for the afternoon.

When Michael turned around he noticed Luke and his friend Calum walking down the hallway Michael had to go down. He turned on his heels and started walking that way. When he came in arms distance from Luke he put his biggest grin on and looked at Luke.

"Hi," Michael said.

As Michael walked past Luke he felt as if it all went in slow motion, but it was all a matter of two seconds. Luke's eyes met Michael's as Michael spoke, and what happened next, ruined Michael's happiness. Luke glanced from Michael's eyes to the hall ahead of him, not even acknowledging the boy. 

The smile fell from Michael's face. Maybe Luke didn't hear Michael. That's probably what it is. And besides, it was just a greeting. It wasn't a big deal. Michael wasn't going to let that ruin his day.


Michael met Luke at lunch by the front doors. As Michael approached Luke, Luke held out a twenty dollar bill. Michael glanced at it and then up at Luke.

"Take it, go out for lunch or something, I'm skipping tutoring this lunch hour," Luke said, shoving the bill into Michael's hands.

"Oh, okay, why?" Michael asked.

"I have better things to do," Luke shrugged.

"Oh," Michael sighed. "Can I join? I don't have anything else to do."

Luke glanced around and sighed. He shook his head and pushed himself off the wall and walked away. Michael took that as a no.


Michael climbed onto Luke's handle bars after school without saying anything today. He gripped onto them tightly as Luke drove. The ride was in silence. They got to Luke's and Michael hopped off in silence, walking into the house. 

He sat down and pulled out the books, laying them out. He took the geography one and opened it.

"You have this test tomorrow, right?" Michael asked and when he didn't get an answer he turned and looked at Luke, sighing seeing him texting.

"Did you hear me?" Michael asked, rolling his eyes.

Luke glanced up for a split second. "Huh? Sorry, this is important."

"What makes a text more important than education?" Michael asked, feeling dumb after the words left his mouth.

Luke stopped texting and looked at Michael. "If it's someone you care about or plans, then it's important."

"So which is it?" Michael asked, leaning back onto the couch.

"Why would I tell you?" Luke scoffed.

"Well, I don't know, I just, I was just, wondering," Michael stammered. 

"Yeah, well," Luke sighed. "You're my tutor. We're not fucking friends."

I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO FUCKING LONG. And to those who read my other story, I am so sorry about those too. I put a couple on hiatus to hopefully help me get back on schedule. School's been hectic and I'm a senior so I'm actually trying and grades actually matter now for my future. And school is also so exhausting. I'm sorry, I wish I could update often, but it's so hard. I really didn't want to be one of those writers. I'm sorry.

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