Me and My Boys.

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Joanne

This is dedicated to my best friend Joanne because the 29th was her birthday:)  

If you look at the cast, she's also one of the characters (;

                                                                       CHAPTER THREE

                                                                          PART TWO

                                                                    Roc's  Point of View                                                                                          

[Roc Royal and three other members of the group, “ Mindless Behavior”, are exiting a building’s back door and making their way towards a black limo. They have just finished a performance in Miami, Florida]

Ray Ray stood behind me, a blue blanket wrapped around his body.

Ray Ray: “ Man, those fans were crazy!”

Prodigy: “ Bruh!, That one girl from the meet and greet, she broke my sunglasses tryna rip em off my face!; They were my best ones too!”

Prodigy stood in a stupor still unhappy about his broken glasses.

Princeton: “ I guess that’s Miami for you.”

Me: “ Yeah man.”

Me: “ Hey Kiesha, where we headed?”

Kiesha: “ A hotel... You boys need some rest.”

The boys plus me: “Yeah, alrite”

There was no beating around the bush with this one. We all were extremely exhausted.

I yawned and lifted my hand to cover my mouth, the lids of my eyes slowly moving into a closed position.  Princeton’s hand awoke me from my sleep for a moment and dragged my body inside the limo. The back of my head rested on the crown of the cushioned seat and  I rested my eyes. Sleep took over and in a minute I was dreaming.

I was outside of a restaraunt and a girl walking by dropped her purse. All of her belongings spilled out onto the sidewalk as the purple bag left her hand. I sprang to her side to help gather the items.

The girl: " No, really you don't have to--" she argued.

She pulled her hair behind her ear and looked up in my direction.

She was pretty. She had dark hair that traveled down her back in curls, big brown eyes, and full pink lips.

            " It's really no big deal."  I replied.

           She stared into my face and her eyes swelled with joy. " Oh my god! You''re Roc Royal!" she yelled. " Hey everybody! Look! It's him! It's really him from Mindless Behavior! I'M YOU'RE BIGGEST FAN!" she hollered in astonishment.  She grabbed at my body and then pulled something out of her purse. Her fingers intwined with it. They were scissors. " Can I have a lock of your hair?!" the girl questioned. As my mind wrapped around the words that flew from her mouth, I felt numerous hands,  from the people now surrounding us, grab  my arms, my hair, my legs..

  When I opened my eyes, I heard Ray's voice: " Get up Trey! Get up we're here man."

 Fans, I thought to myself as I stepped out of the limo , gotta have a crazy one somewhere in the mix, but at least you know they're mindless.

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