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It’s the year 2003

????: “Get up Songbird! It’s time for school.”

I turned on my side and felt someone lift me over their shoulder. I opened my eyes and watched as doors trailed behind us. We stepped in the bathroom. I groggily looked up into the face of the person.

It was Ryan, my brother.

Me: “Ry, my tummy hurts”

Ryan: “Huh?”

Me: “My tummy hurts, can you rub it?”

Ryan: “Sure Syd.”

Me: “Ry?”

Ryan: “Yeah?”

Me: “Do I have to go to school?”

Ryan: “You feel that bad?”

Me: “Yeah.”

Ryan: “Well, I’ll see if you can go with Mom.”

Me: “Thanks Ry.”

Ryan: “No Problem Songbird, just brush your teeth and wash your face with a rag.”

I nodded my head.

He liked to call me Songbird because he said I was always singing. I loved my brother; he was nice when he wanted to be.

I stepped on the stool and grabbed my toothbrush out of its holder. I did my best to squeeze enough toothpaste onto its bristles. I placed the brush in my mouth and wiggled it around across my teeth.

When I was done, I went to my room where my clothes were laid across my bed.

My mom walked in while I was putting my socks on.

Mom: “Hey Sweetie, Ryan says your not feeling well.”

I shook my head.

Mom: “Well how about you go to work with Mommy? You can lie down in the lounge area.”

Me: “Okay.”

I sat in the car for a long time until we reached a tall building. My Mom came around to my side of the car and unlocked my car seat. She carried me through the parking area. Once we were inside, she slid me down onto a couch.

Mom: “Stay here and lie down. Okay Sydney?”

I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings.  SLAP!

???: “Cut!”

???: “Really scare him this time Jamal!”

My stomach groweled as I realized I hadn’t eaten anything this morning. I sat up and ran to my Mother to ask for a snack, when all of a sudden, I fell to the floor. I started to cry as I saw the blood on my knee.

Mom: “Oh My Gosh! Sydney are you okay? Where does it hurt?”

She looked down at my leg.

Mom: “I need a first-aid kit. Can you get me one please?”

She spoke to a slender man who quickly walked away. A little boy approached us and began asking questions.

?????: “What happened to her?”

Mom: “She tripped and fell Jaden.”

Jaden: “Does it hurt?”

I nodded.

Jaden: “Is she gonna be okay?”

Mom: “Mhmm.”

Jaden: “Okay.”

There was a pause.

Jaden: “What’s your name?”

I sniffed.

Me: “Sydney.”

Jaden: “Hi Sydney. I’m Jaden.”

I smiled.

Jaden: “My dad's name is Will, he’s on TV.”

Me: “My Mommy’s name is Alandria, she’s on TV too. Right Mommy?”

Mom: “That’s right sweetie.”

She finished wiping my knee and placed a band-aid over the cut.

My Mom was an actress. She starred in movies and shows that came on TV. I loved going out with her when they were finished because I always got to get dressed up and take pictures. Erin, my sister, showed me pictures of our family on the computer one time. She said our family is special.

Mom: “Now stay on the couch with Jaden. I don’t want you getting hurt again and I have to concentrate on work now.”

Me: “Yes, Mommy.”

Mom: “But don’t worry I’ll get someone to bring you guys some snacks.”

We nodded.

Not long after, someone brought us juice boxes and Cheez-its. We talked and entertained ourselves, while our parents worked.

Suddenly, Jaden gave me a tight squeeze. I laughed.

Me: “You’re Silly! Why are you hugging me?”

Jaden: “Cause I’m happy I have a friend now.”

And from then on we were best friends.

I was homeschooled for a little bit so I could come to my Mom’s job and learn with Jaden, but after a while I got tired of being known as Alandria Davis’ daughter. I went back to public school, Jaden and I kept in touch, and I never told anyone who I was. I met the girls, eventually I told them my secret, but only because it got harder and harder to hide it.

Here I was now, Hiding my identity.

I’d always wanted to sing, but I didn’t want people to say I succeeded because I was Alandria Davis’ daughter. I wanted to make it on my own. That’s why I looked so familiar to Craig, but Why? No one had even given me a second glance since I was in the 5th grade, and that was because at THAT school word had got around about who I REALLY was.

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