Ding! Ding! Ding! We Have a Winner!

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                                                                       CHAPTER SEVEN:

                                                         DING! DING! DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!

Sydney: “I’m Sydney.”

Craig: “Nice to meet you Sydney” he said as they walked back to the game.

They each picked up an instrument; Sydney chose the guitar and Craig chose the drums.

They  selected a song: “Slow Down” by: Bobby Valentino. It began to play as as the colors that corresponded with the instruments flashed across the screen. The words played out in the room.

“…..Butterfly tattoo, right above your navel.Your belly button’s pierced too, just the way I like it..Slow down, I just wanna get to know ya..”

The song came to a close and they read the scores shown on the Sony TV.

(Sydney) PLAYER 1                                       (Craig) PLAYER 2

       400,010                                                              377,031

                                           PLAYER 1 WINS!

Sydney: “Bam! [ she laughs] looks like I don’t have to get up and get breakfast tommorow morning.”

Craig: “Wanna bet? We still have 2 more rounds  left, girl. I still have time to win.”

Sydney: “Yeah and you still have time to lose too.”

Craig: “ Okay, well you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?”

Sydney busts out laughing. “Really?”

Craig: “Don’t hate.”

Each round continued on as the previous one before it.

(Sydney) PLAYER 1                                       (Craig) PLAYER 2

   432,165                                                                510,023

                                      PLAYER 2 WINS!

Craig: “What Now?! I told you it wasn’t over.”

Sydney: “Just press play.”

Craig: “Oh, is someone scared I just might win this bet?”

He smiled as his finger forced its weight onto the green button. The song  “Never Say Never” played and as it came to a close the final scores floated onto the screen.

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