Phone Numbers and Door Knocking

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                                                                            CHAPTER FIVE:

                                                           PHONE NUMBERS AND DOOR KNOCKING

Sydney pressed the end button on her phone as Joanne walked into the room. She was breaking pieces off of her honey bun and placing them in her mouth.

Sydney: “Hey Joey, give me a piece!”

She stood staring at Sydney,  no expression shown on her face.

“ I mean… can I please have one?” Sydney asked innocently.

Joanne laughed, “Yes you may Syd.”

She placed a ripped piece of the sweet snack in her hand. Sydney stuck it in her mouth and began to chew.

Sydney: “Thanks! You’re the best! You look happy today. May I ask why?”

Joey: “No reason, It’s just ( her eyes lit up and she began talking fast unknowingly.) My honey bun got stuck ( the girls look at the honey bun in her hands..stuck?) and someone helped me get it out.,” she smiled as she stuck another piece in her mouth, “they were just really nice.”

“Was this person a guy?” Sydney asked knowingly.

Joey: “No—I mean—I don’t like—Yessss.”

       She let out a heavy breath.

Ashton: “Let’s hear it..”

“Okay, I’ll admit he was cute and he had gorgeous hair, and don’t even get me started on his beautiful face.”

She looked up and froze with her hand in mid-motion. They were both staring at her and smiling.

Joanne: “What??”

Sydney: “ You like him!”

“Hand his number over Ashton said as she opened the palm of her hand.

Joey:”I don’t have it.”

Reynna pulled her phone away from her ear and walked over to the girls.

Reynna: “ So whats up?”

Ashton: “ Joanne went up to the vending machine and her honey bun got stuck. Some boy helped her and she just got through goin on and on about how he has a beautiful face and gorgeous hair, but she didn’t get his number.”

Reynna: “What?! Are you crazy??”

Joey: “ Guys, okay  okay okay, next I see him I’ll get his number I promise.”

        Suddenly, their was a knocking, someone was at the door.

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