Always Remember...19

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" Nathan up front." Cole said, when Nathan made no move to go up front Cole repeated himself but this time with a hard tone. " Nathan, up front now."

I wonder what's got Cole so worked up today. Nathan opened the door so that I could climb into the car and then slammed the door a little bit to hard before taking the seat next to Cole. Cole got into the car and turn the engine of and then we were off.

" Where are we going?" I asked after we were driving for what felt like hours. Cole smiled before saying. " At least one of you care about where your going. We're going to Cliton Hill." Nathan and Cole shared a looked between the two and then the car fell silent.

" Why are we going there?" I asked again breaking the silence. " Kendal and Kourtney are on a date there. We're going to follow them and see if we could get any extra information before the wedding." Cole informed me. 

" Oh, alright." I said the tension in this car was really and extremely thick that you could cut a knife throw it. I know I'm missing something that I should probably know, but I don't think right now is a good time to ask.

Cole pulled off on a side of a deserted rode and shut off the car before unlocking the door. We all got out Cole looking like his same old self but Nathan looked like he wanted to slam someone head against a tree.

"Autumn." Cole spoke up, I quickly looked away from Nathan noticing that I was starring at him. "Y-Yeah?" he I wasn't mistaken Cole rolled his eyes at me and smriked. " Are you a good runner?" I asked.

I nodded, " My pretty fast for an unmated female wolf, if that's what you mean." "Good because we are going to be doing quiet a bit of running." he said guiding us towards the woods.

Cole was walking ahead leaving Nathan and I behind. I smiled at my chance to be alone with Nathan even if Cole was just walking in front of us with a few yard separating us. I grabbed onto his hand and I couldn't help but grin from the warmth his body gave off, just by being so close to him. Clearly he wasn't exspecting me to bluntly grab onto his hand but he didn't pull away which made me smile even more.

He continued walking in silence and after a while I began thinking that Kendal and this girl Kourtney was nowhere near. Cole stopped in front of us and snifted the air before smiling and turning back to Nathan. Nathan also snifted the air and nodded his head in understandment.

SIlently Cole ran straight ahead and just when I thought he was going to  run into the tree in front of him. He jumped eight feet off of the ground and then hopped between two trees climbing it at an un natural pace.

After five seconds he was at the top of the tree look down into the distance. Nathan pulled onto my arms to that I could move. I followed him and then I heard it---voices. One was all to fimiliar and sent shivers down my back and the other one just made his ears bleed.

If he's marrying this girl he has got to get some ear plugs to tune out her annoying voice. We stopped behind a thick bush and at this point I could see Kendal and some girl sitting on his lap with a cloth under them.

She was wearing a short purple skirt that  exposed her ass and a white top that was way to tight and small for her, that he boobs we practically hanging in Kendal's face and you could tell he wasn't complainlng about it from the way he keep on glancing down at them.

What does this guy see in her. She's a slut that probably likes banging anything with a stick between their legs. Where did he find her at---Hooters? After I deined his request to marry him this is the next girl he fource marriage apond? From the looks of it, he probably didn't have to fource her at all.

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