Message 6

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You know Angelo I've been thinking and I must say I am at fault here, a relationship isn't just the title its the work behind it but the minute things got hard I completely called a quits and ran. How can I expect to have a good relationship if I don't even put in the work?? So for that I'm really sorry... But I'm scared what if you wake up tomorrow and decide you feel that way again??... Idk where all that commitment stuff come from though Angelo I Dont do relationship, commitments I really Dont... For me its usually all fun no work, nothing skin deep, I Dont get close because one I don't want to and two that opens me up to get hurt... But with you its different you make me wanna be different, not be that cold hearted person anymore when it comes to love and crap... I'm not fooled I know there's no garuntee we will last, I wasnt really looking for it either, I was doing what you said just stop stressing and whatever happens happens, but I do want to be with you I really enjoy it but when you said that it made me feel like it wasn't what you want, well at least you weren't sure... idk I guess we need to slow down if we were to get back together.....

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