Dalton Chapter 5.

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   Louis was waiting in the office for Spencer, close by too where his mum had been with him the previous day.

   "Finally." Louis spoke, smiling at Spencer, and giving a dissapproving look to Grant, "did you make him late on purpose?"

   "I'm late?" Spencer questioned to the two boys, getting worried.

   "No, no, you're not." Louis told Spencer, calming him down. "Just later than I expected."

   "Well, maybe if you took him yourself then you wouldn't be stressing like this, okay Louis? Chill." Grant spoke, and gave a nod to Spencer. "I'll leave you with Louis here, I'll see you in form time, 'kay?"

   Spencer nodded at Grant, and smiled as he walked away, he then turned towards Louis.

   "It is okay that I went off with Grant, isn't it?" Spencer asked, and Louis just nodded and scoffed.

   "Of course, I'm not trying to be controlling, just...when it comes to my friends, Grant is very...judgemental." Louis spoke, and Spencer scowled in confusion, but shook his head. "Anyway, we better start getting to our form room."

   "We're in the same form room?" Spencer questioned, smiling at Louis.

   "Yep." He replied. "Same dorm room, same form room. Also, I already signed you in."

   They both walked to the form room, which looked like it was a Spanish classroom, as it had Spanish posters and words all over the wall, this many famous Spanish people. 

   Louis led the way in, and took a seat on the front row, second seat in. He open the seat next to him, and patted it for Spencer to sit down. Grant, Gabriel and Hannah were already in the classroom, sitting behind them, but Spencer couldn't see Charlie and Lucy anywhere in the room. There were a few other people in the room, who Spencer asked Louis about. Jess, Flo, Wren, Joey, Clem, Tori, and other names, some which Spencer recognized, as some kids from his old school had that name, and a few others were a little more unusal.

   Their form tutor, Mr. Hughes walked in. He was a very tall, happy looking man. He had dark blonde hair, which was quite long, and fell down just above his shoulders. 

   "Welcome back, guys." He spoke, taking a seat at the front. "Did you all have a nice break?" Murmurs of bored and tired 'yeahs' filled the room. "Well, I'm sorry to start this term off to a bad start, but a few of you have been called back to see Mr Dalton after assembly, I'm very dissappointed. But, if we start off down here, we can only go up, am I right?"

   No one answered, but there was a agreement from the right to Louis - Charlie. Spencer hadn't heard Charlie or Lucy come in, so he figured they must of snuck in while Louis and Spencer were talking.

  "Anyway, a good thing about today is we now have a new student at Dalton Academy," Spencer felt his cheeks burn away from his skin, he felt them go red. He just smiled, but then looked down, as he felt too embarressed to look up. "Spencer Peace, would you like to introduce yourself?"

   Spencer gave a small smile looking at his desk. "I'm, er...Spencer. I'm new." The other kids gave him blank stares, the few that even bothered to look at him. He turned to the front, to look at Mr Hughes, who was smiling at him.

   "Er, great, Spencer. What do you like, what are your hobbies?" 

   Spencer parolled his brain, trying to find an idea. "I like, um," he took a swallow, and Louis gave him a smile.

   "Spencer likes the beach, don't you? He used to live there." Louis spoke up for him, and Spencer sighed in happiness and felt the stress on his shoulders suddenly lift. He was worried if the teachers were going to be nice or not, and so far they seemed alright. He was worried he wouldn't make any friends, but earlier Louis called him his friend, and he was pretty sure that he would be able to call Grant his friend and he wouldn't get snubbed or embarressed by the fact that Grant didn't think so. The things he was nervous about earlier suddenly seemed less stressful, and Spencer hadn't felt as happy as he had so far of being here. He knew the timetable, and what time to wake up, and not to be late, and where his dorm room was, and where his form room was. If all classes were this relaxed as form room, then it'd be easy to settle in. The only thing that made him worry was Charlie's dad: William Dalton. He was petrified of him, and felt personally bad and as though the blame should be on him for the kids that were drinking the alcohol. Spencer couldn't seem to find why. At the end of the day, it was their fault: not his. He didn't drink the alcohol, he had never had a sip in his life, but he felt responsible and guilty for it, which he figured he shouldn't. He also felt responsible that the people who were drinking were going to get in trouble, when it wasn't even him or blabbed to Mr Dalton about it, it was Louis and Charlie and the others. Spencer didn't know who they were, to him they looked older, but were in his form class, so would have to be the same age as him.

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