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Ezra's POV
I have to say, prisoner wasn't my best look. I was surrounded by people that looked like they could kill me with a stick. I couldn't fall asleep since my bunk mate kept screaming in his sleep. I knew anyone in this prison could hurt me with one punch.
I lay on the top bunk, staring at the ceiling. I had nothing better to do. I got to see my lawyer this week to discuss court dates. I couldn't believe I had to go to court over this. Why couldn't Aria just wake up and tell them I didn't hurt her? Why did they make my kids believe I would hurt their mom? Why was any of this happening?
"Mr Fitz" Someone said
A police officer stood on the other side of the cell. "You're lawyers here"
I followed him into a small room, where my lawyer was waiting. I'd hired the best in the state.
"Hello, Ezra" He says, shuffling through his papers.
"Hey" I sat down at the table.
"Why do they think I hurt Aria?"
I had to know.
"Well first off, you were the only one in the room with her" He starts.
"I had just came home from work. I live there too" I shouted.
"No need to get mad" he shushed me "they also have a something that looks like a suicide note"
"Yeah I read that" I say
"Well, Aria's fingerprints aren't even on it. Only yours. They think you forged the note so it would look this was a attempted suicide"
How could my fingerprints be the only ones on it?
"You're security camera shows you entering the apartment about the time of the injuries"
"No that can't be right. I left work early so I could call in a reservation for dinner that night" I assure him.
"There's one more thing" He says, nervously.
"Go on" I was getting impatient.
"You said you and Aria were back together?" He asks and I nod.
"She filed a restraining order against you two days before the incident"
Restraining order? No way.
"So court dates?" He runs through the papers.
How could he just move on so fast? I just learned that the person I thought loved me, filed a restraining order against me.
"How about next Wednesday?"
"That sounds fine" I say
"Well I got to get going. Make sure you have your story straight. Never know if your going to be pulled up to the stand"
I shuffled out of the room and back into my cell where I stayed until Tuesday morning.
"Hardy" I said, sitting down at the table.
"What's up man?" He calls, trying give me a handshake but the security guard had other stuff to say about that.
"Don't touch him!"
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
I had no idea how he knew I was in jail.
"I came to talk to you" He says
"They let me in to see, Aria" He tells me
Aria. She seemed like such a distant memory.
"How is she?"
"She's still asleep or whatever they call it"
"A coma" I say and he nods
"I can't believe they think you hurt her" He shakes his head. "She was the love of your life since high school. You wouldn't hurt her"
I couldn't believe it either. When it came to Aria, I didn't have a bad bone in my body.  I would never hurt her.
"Then you have to speak" I say and he scrunched his eyebrows.
"At court. You have to tell them I would never hurt her. You have to tell the story about how we met, about our wedding, about anything you can think of. We need to prove to them that I loved her and wouldn't hurt her. You're my only hope"

I miss you ( Sequel to Come back to me)Where stories live. Discover now