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Aria's POV
"Mommy, daddy!" Mason calls running up and jumping on the bed.
"Gramma and grandpa said the baby is here"
"Yes she is" I say "This is your sister"
Hope approaches the bed.
"Hope do you want to hold your sister?" Aria asks and Hope nods with excitement. She jumps onto the bed and I place the baby into her arms.
"What's her name?" Hope asks, looking over me.
"This is Olivia Grace Fitz" I say and Hope smiles.
She strokes the babies hair.
"She has lots of hair, just like you did" I tell her.
"Really?" Hope asks, astonished that her and her sister share a similarity.
"Yep, she looks just like you" Ezra cuts in
Mason jumps on the bed, next to Aria's other side.
"I want to hold her" He squeals and Ezra places the baby into his lap.
"I love her" Mason says, giggling at the baby.
"Let me take a picture of you guys" Ezra exclaims pulling out his phone.
"No, I look like crap" I tell him, holding my hands in front of my face.
"You're always beautiful to me" Ezra exclaimed and I can't help but blush.
"Now that's how you treat a woman my sweet son" I says, stroking Mason's hair. "Even though your daddy knows I look like mess, he still wants to make me feel special"
"Well you look good for someone who just gave birth a couple days ago- Although you do smell a little weird" Ezra jokes
"Now let me take a picture of my beautiful family"
The nurse walks in and smiles.
"I'll take the picture" she says, taking the phone from Ezra as he made his way to the bed.
"Everyone say Olivia!"
"Olivia!" everyone says and the picture was taken.
The phone was handed back to Ezra and the nurse exits.
"It's beautiful, definitely a keeper" Ezra says, showing me.
"That's for sure" I smile at the picture of my family. "Definitely one for the frames"

I miss you ( Sequel to Come back to me)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя