Chapter 2

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Tora's POV:

The air was somehow filled with mystery that morning.... I could feel it. Something special would happen today even if I had no idea what it could be. I kept that thought in mind as I went about my normal day. I hopped on over to Capsule Corp next door to train with Grandpa Vegeta, which was always fun. I was pumped and ready for a good fight! .....As usual.

"Come on, Grandpa!! Give it all you got!" I shouted with a cocky grin as I quickly got in my stance.

Grandpa Vegeta sighed in disgust and shook his head. "You say that, yet you get beat into the ground each time..." he replied while getting in his stance too.

I growled angrily. "That's not true!! I beat you that- that one time!!" I corrected.

".......You pushed me in the river..."

"Yup! I beat'cha good!"

"We weren't even fighting!"

"So what!?"

"So that means no one won! Even then I WAS ticked and punched you in the gut and knocked you out so if it was a fight I would've won but it wasn't so we both lost!!"

I sighed sadly. "...........Let's just fight. You're confusing me..."

"Heh. You got it."

Grandpa rushed over to me and threw a punch at my face. I pushed his fist away and used Instant Transmission to warp behind him, getting him in an arm lock. But Grandpa Vegeta, being as strong as he is, broke free with ease and kicked me in the head. I went spinning in the air and crashed into the house. Literally... into the house and landed on the couch in the living room.

"Phewww..." I exhaled in relief. "Thank Kami for the couch..."

Grandma Bulma ran over in a panic. "Tora Brief!!" she yelled in anger, "My wall!! Not again!!"

Grandpa flew in the room through the wall. "Hmm... this makes it the... fourth time this month." he chuckled with his hands in his pockets as he examined the hole.

"You think this is funny, Vegeta!? HUH!?" Grandma yelled in Grandpa's face with her hands on her hips.

"Oh um..." Grandpa Vegeta started to say, "No not at all.. In fact," Grandpa walked over and picked me up by my foot. "I'll punish her for you if you like." he finished with an evil grin.

Grandma Bulma giggled. "Oh yes. A very harsh one!" she said with a wink.

"Wait a sec!? WHAT!? You can't be serious!!" I screeched.

Grandpa Vegeta put his hand in front of my face and powered up a powerful energy blast.

I was really scared now. "You can't be serious!!! I'M YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!!!" I cried.

"Haha! Kid its okay I'm joking!" Grandpa laughed. He let go of my foot and I plopped into a heap on the floor.

"Hehehe... I knew that." I replied as sweat ran down my forehead.

We all were having a good laugh, when suddenly, I felt a strong energy signal. I got up and ran outside, Grandpa right behind me, knowing why I was doing so.

Grandpa strolled casually into the yard. "Haven't seen him in a while..." he said with a smile as he looked into the sky afar.

"I can't sense energy like you guys, but I already know whose coming." Grandma said happily.

"Haha! It's Grandpa Goku!!" I shouted excitedly while waving.

All of our happy expressions faded to curiosity. One person we knew...

..but there was another with him?

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now