Chapter 4

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Tora's POV: 

I ran over to the phone and dialed my number. My dad, Goten, answered. 

"Hey, Dad! It's Tora. See I was wondering if I could sleep over Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight." I said hopefully while smiling at Shay. But Shay looked away, looking uncomfortable. 

Dad replied, "Oh uh, sure! But what abou-" 

"I have a toothbrush and pj's I keep here! Okay bye!" 

I hung up, not giving dad a chance to reply. "Dad said I can stay!" I shouted happily over to Grandma. 

Grandma nodded. "Okay then. You and our guest Shay can share the room upstairs." she said. 

I ran over and took Shay's hand. "Come on!" I laughed while giving a childish thumbs up, "This way!" 

Shay looked at me with an irritated look and pulled her hand away. "F-Fine." she hesitantly said. 

I signaled Shay to follow and then ran up the stairs. I opened the door to the room I usually stay in when I'm at my Grandparents house. 

"Ta Da!" I announced as I ran into the middle of the room. 

Since I usually stay here, my personality and style had grown on my room. I had posters of bands I liked on the walls, my training gear lying around along with empty rice bowls, magazines and video games. There were two beds, a night stand with a lamp, and all the other things you have in a bedroom. 

Shay walked into the room cautiously as she looked around. "This is... ew... this is... okay I guess." she implied with a disgusted look on her face while kicking a bowl aside. 

The minute she walked through the doorway, I slammed the door behind her, making her jump and turn around quickly. 

"Haha no need to be so jumpy!" I laughed while waving my hands. "Now tell me, how do you go Super Saiyan? You have a trick? Something in particular you have to do?" I asked, my mind racing with questions. 

I had a knack for warming up to people easily, but my behavior looked like it was really upsetting Shay. "No secret really. I just can." she replied while looking around. 

"Shoot..." I said under my breath. "Don't worry though... I'll be Super in no time..." I reassured myself. 

I always wanted to go Super Saiyan. Grandpa Vegeta said it was highly unlikely, and Grandpa Goku said there's no doubt is his mind that I can. My Grandpa's are really different. 

After being in deep thought, I looked over to see Shay trying to violently open the window. 

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously with a tilt of my head. 

Shay looked back at be in shock. "Oh just um... making sure no... drafts can get in. Heh heh." she sheepishly replied as she walked back over to me. 

"Oh, okay..." I said slowly. "Hey are you hungry? I'm starving!!" 

Shay nodded. "I suppose." 

I ran down stairs to the kitchen, Shay following cautiously, to see Grandpa Goku and Vegeta chowing down. 

Grandma Bulma walked over. "So, Shay, do you like your room?" 

"Huh? Oh yeah it's... it's something alright." Shay replied with a roll of her eyes. 

Grandma giggled. "That's good. Now why don't you two go have a bite before the table its self has been eaten." 

I nodded and walked over to the table of hungry Saiyan's. 

"Ndheownsj!!" Grandpa Goku tried to say something to me with his mouth full. 


Grandpa Goku swallowed. "I said: Pull up a chair and dig in! You too, Shay!" 

Shay sat down in a chair and looked at my Grandpa's nervously. Food was flying everywhere, and suddenly some noodles flung onto Shay's face. She wiped it off calmly and sighed. 

I sat down too and quickly grabbed the egg roll. "Here, Shay." I said with a grin. 

Shay accepted the roll. "Do... do they always eat like this?" 

"You don't know that half of it! There was this one ti-" 

Shay put some food on a plate, stood up and walked out the door. I watched her curiously and then followed. 

Outside, it was sunset. I looked over and saw Shay sitting down on the grass and eating alone. I walked over to her, interested in what her reason was for leaving. "Why are you eating alone?" I asked sadly. "Don't you wanna eat with us?" 

Shay looked at the ground and continued to eat, not answering. 

I sat down beside her. "You don't seem to like people much." I continued, thoughtfully. 

"No, not really." Shay replied. 

"But you're really strong. Don't you ever like, enter The World Martial Arts Tournaments or anything like that?" 


"Well you should." 

Shay looked over at me and blinked in surprise. "You really think so?" 

I stood up pridefully. "Yeah, why not? Look, there's a tournament tomorrow that I'm entering. You should sign up too!" I said with a wink. 

Shay got up. "...I'll think about it." she said more to herself than me. 

I made a peace sign. "Oh yeah that's the spirit! Us Saiyan's gotta stick together, am I right?" 

I caught a hint of a smile on Shay's face. "I guess so." she happily agreed. 

I nodded with a smile."Hey now come back inside. It's getting dark." 

Shay followed me back into the house. I only just met her, but I already knew the most basic thing about her: she has a hard time trusting people. I'd have to earn her respect if I ever wanted her to come out of her shell. And from that point on, I was determined to prove to Shay that I am her friend, and she doesn't have to be scared.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now