Chapter 18

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Tora POV

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a blurry figure standing over me. I must have dozed off. I thought for a moment remembered what had happened. My vision became clear and I saw Shay smiling down at me.

"S-Shay? You're alright." I tiredly said as Shay helped me up. "Hey where's Oran!?"

Shay gave me a thumbs up. "He's gone... for good." she replied with a grin.

"No way!!"

"Yes way... But here's my question: where's Apele?" Shay asked.

I looked at the ground and moved around in my spot nervously. "Oh um... him? He... wanted to fight me again sometime."

Shay sighed. "He got away, didn't he?"

"...Yeah." I said sheepishly with a grin. "But I beat him up real bad and he was scared and used Solar Flare to-"

"What's Solar Flare?"

"Oh! It's a blinding attack. Here I'll show you!" I happily said. "SOLAR FLARE!!"

Shay screamed and covered her eyes, then tripped on a rock and fell over backwards. "T-TORA! I didn't ask you to show me!!!" she yelled angrily. "Unggg my eyes."

I giggled. "Oops! Sorry. It'll wear off in a sec."

Shay stood up blindly and tried to feel her way around. "Okayyyy I think my vision is returning." she moaned.

I grabbed Shay's hand. "hey tell me how you beat Oran! Tell me tell me tell me!!" I begged excitedly while shaking Shay.

Shay pushed me away in irritation and straightened her clothes. "Ahem! I'll tell you on the way home- I mean back to Capsule Corp."

I flew up into the air. "...It's your home too." I said thoughtfully, noticing Shay's mistake.

Shay smiled and blinked back tears. I frowned. "Don't cry, Shay."

Shay wiped her tears. "Oh no... It's just my eyes are stinging still..."

We both broke out laughing. And so, Shay and I started off back home as the sun set, but I came to a quick halt.

I turned back and flew towards where the fights took place, Shay following me in question. I landed and walked slowly over to Grandpa Vegeta's dead body and frowned as Shay stood next to me. ".....You want to bury him?" she asked sadly. I nodded as I turned away to hide my tears. Shay and I dug a hole a few feet deep and carried Grandpa over to it. I gently laid him in the self dug grave and said my final goodbye...

After a quick silence, I flew up and continued toward home. I was heartbroken... I wanted Grandpa Vegeta to see me turn Super Saiyan for the first... but he died just before it happened.

Shay must have realized how sad I was, so she tried to cheer me up. "Um... I did a Kamehameha." she said with a smile.

My eyes widened and turned to her. "Are... ARE YOU SERIOUS!? That's how you defeated Oran!?"

Shay nodded. "Yeah! I had a hard time remembering the words though." she replied with a giggle.

I smiled big. "You've GOT to show me sometime."

Before I knew it, we had arrived at Capsule Corp. My stomach felt sick as I thought of how I had to tell everyone about Grandpa Vegeta. Shay and I landed on the lawn and I didn't move; I just stared at the door. I then started to cry uncontrollably. Shay leaned over and hugged me tight. "It'll be alright... If you have a hard time, I can take over and tell them what happened, okay?" she reassured. I nodded sadly and walked to the door. This wasn't going to be an easy task...

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now