Chapter 6

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Tora's POV 

I opened my eyes at a sudden shove and saw a blurry figure standing over me. I rubbed my eyes and saw it was Shay. "Shay, what is it?" I tiredly said while putting the covers over my head. 

"Its morning," Shay replied with another shove. 

"I'm aware of that..." I said, slightly irritated. 

"Well get up. Before a tournament, don't you train or anything?" Shay asked. 

I pushed the covers off me completely, hopped outta bed and stretched."Nah, Grandpa Goku says to relax before a tournament. Take it easy. You're ready even if you don't think so." I replied with a smile. 

Shay shrugged and nodded. "Well... okay fine." 

I walked over to my closet and got out my sparring outfit. "This is what I normally wear, whaddya think?" I asked with a giggle. 

My outfit was a short, orange tank top over the Saiyan armor spandex that came up to my neck. That top piece came down half way. Then my shorts were Saiyan armor spandex too and for shoes I had Saiyan boots. 

Shay tilted her head. "It looks nice. It kinda reminds me of Goku's outfit, or Vegeta's." 

"That's cause' it's a little of both!" I laughed. "Stay here. I'll be right back!" 

I ran out to the bathroom, got my clothes on, brushed my teeth, and washed up some, then ran back to Shay. "Okay done! Hmm... You need some better clothes... Those are okay but kinda dirty. Uh! Did you go to bed in those!?" 

Shay blinked in shock. "Well yeah! This is all I have at the moment." 

Shay had on a dirty, dark blue T-shirt and some black spandex shorts. 

I went to my closet and searched around in it. "Jeez you should've told me you needed pj's... Now let's see, we need to put together an outfit that suits you." 

I threw out clothes behind me, making a pile to choose from. "Shay? Where are you?" 

Shay popped her head out of the pile. "Here." She answered. 

"Oh there you are! Okay, now pick anything you like." I said happily. 

Shay dived back into the pile and came back up with a Saiyan suit in her hands. "How about this?" she asked. 

"That's the traditional Saiyan armor. Good choice!" I replied with a thumbs up. 

Shay smiled then looked puzzled. "But, can I wear it without the armor part, it looks kinda uncomfortable. Oh and can it be green? I like green." 

I sighed. "Okay I'll see what I can do..." I said in an exhausted tone. 

A few minutes later, Shay's outfit was done. 

"Here ya go!" I said as I threw Shay her new outfit. 

She went the bathroom to get it on and ran right back. "Does... this look okay?" Shay asked nervously. 

I nodded. "Perfect! Here just wear these Saiyan boots and gloves and uh... a belt for an accessory! Now let's go!" 

I ran down stairs and got a quick bite to eat, Shay doing the same, and then before we knew it, it was time to go to the tournament. We all flew there, except Grandma Chi-Chi and Bulma. They had to drive. 

We waited in line it seemed forever before we reached the registration booth. I signed up for the adult division and so did Shay. Grandpa Goku and Vegeta said they'd let us have the fun for today, so they didn't enter. 

I took Shay with me to the waiting area, where you can warm up and stretch and stuff before the tournament begins. 

I chuckled at the memory of a story I heard from my dad. 

"What are you laughing at?" Shay asked with a curious look. 

I grinned. "My dad said when he was little, he and his best friend, Trunks, snuck into the adult tournament in a ridiculous costume where they had to stand on one and other to fit it. Oh, Trunks is Vegeta's son. And Goten, my dad, is Goku's son." I explained. 

Shay chuckled. "Hmm... Yeah that makes sense; you act a lot like Goku." 

"Haha ya think so-" I gasped in surprise at who I saw. "Pan!" I shouted in excitement. 

I ran over to Pan who just walked into the room. "Pan, this is my friend, Shay. She's a Saiyan and has been living on earth her whole life! Weird, right!?" 

Pan's mouth dropped open. "Wow... That's amazing... Err Hello, Shay, my name's Pan. I'm Tora's cousin." She replied as she shook Shay's hand. "Nice to meet you! I'm a quarter Saiyan, myself." 

Shay nodded. "Oh... Nice to meet you too." She replied shyly. 

"Are you entering?" I asked Pan. 

Pan nodded. "Well of course! I wouldn't miss it!" she said happily with a thumbs up. Giving thumbs up must run in my family...  

"Yay! This is gonna be so much fun!" I exclaimed while jumping up and down. 

I turned around and bumped in Maron. "Ooh! Sorry, Maron. Wait a sec you can't be entering!!" I shouted in shock. 

Maron didn't use to be a fighter, but after Grandpa defeated Omega Shenron, she decided it was high time to start training. Maron didn't want to be the only one who couldn't defend herself.  

"Haha well it's nice to see you too, Tora. And yes, I am entering!" Marion replied with a wink. 

Pan waved. "Hey, Maron! Good to see you again!" 

"You too, Pan!" 

I shrugged. "But you don't fight good, Maron...." I said under my breath. 

"What was that!?" Maron shouted angrily as I received a bang on the head. 

I rubbed my injury and smiled sheepishly. "Owww... Oh Maron this is Shay and she's a Saiyan... And if you see anyone else, you introduce her cause' I'm sick of it." I moaned. I then received another bang to the head by Shay this time. 

Shay sighed and did a face palm. "You really are something, Tora..." 

"...You think so?" I replied with a cocky grin. 

Just then, the announcer started to speak... it was time to draw names.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now