Chapter 14

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Tora POV:

After Grandpa Goku told us to leave, we all went our separate ways. Grandpa Vegetables mumbled something about taking me home... But after seeing Shay race by us with Oran and Apele behind her, my heart sank and it made me want to help her even more. I struggled hard to get free from Grandpa Vegeta's grasp around my waist while holding me over his shoulder, but he was to strong. "Grandpa, please! Shay needs my help even if she doesn't want it! I made a promise!" I pleaded and kicked.

Grandpa Vegeta huffed and landed on a grassy hill in the middle of nowhere. He set me back on my feet but held onto my arm firmly. "You heard Kakarot: It’s her fight. Leave the kid alone. She's Saiyan and can take care of herself."

Tears ran down my cheeks once more and my lip quivered. "Just because you're Saiyan doesn't mean its okay to be alone."

Grandpa Vegeta looked at me with a sad look, then pulled me into a tight hug and sighed. "You're... a smart little girl." he hesitantly said, with irritation in his voice. Grandpa slowly let go and put his hands in his pocket. He nudged his head in the direction of Shay. "Go, before I change my mind."

I smiled big and winked. "Thanks, prince of all Saiyans. I won't let you down. ......Hee hee knew the crying gag would work." I quickly finished my sentence and flew off fast.

"W- ..CRYING GAG!? You little brat!!" I heard Grandpa yell angrily from behind. I laughed, but my tears really were for real.

Shay's power level was incredibly low which made me worry horribly. I knew something had happened so I was prepared to use all my power. I found myself in the desert.

The blazing sun beat down on my face. It was hot, but I was sort of used to hot weather because I live in the tropics. I landed softly on a large desert rock carved into a pillar from sandstorms. I wiped the sweat from my brow and looked down a good 50yds away. What I saw made butterflies in my stomach.

Oran and Apele were kicking Shay in the side as she lay on the ground, looking badly injured and unconscious. I immediately rushed over to the scene, and when I arrived, I sent a kick to the side of Oran's head. It seemed to go in slow motion as his face turned into a look of laughable dismay. Oran went sailing towards a rock pillar and crashed headfirst into it, the rubble of the pillar engulfing upon him.

My next thought came quickly to my mind: Next is Apele. I spun around and punched Apele square in the face with my right, and instantly afterwards, uppercut him in the jaw with my left.

Apele moaned drunkenly as his eyes spun and then fell over backwards. I blinked in surprise, but then made a fist in determination and smiled big. "Whoohoo K.O.!! And he's out!!" I shouted happily as I bounced up and down. But then I stopped and remembered that it wasn't over just yet.

A roaring blast sounded from behind. I quickly turned and saw rubble in the air and Oran walking slowly, but angrily, towards me. I readily got in my stance, expecting anything.

Oran grinned creepily. "So the big mouthed Saiyan returns. Didn't you hear your grampy? Why don't you go home and have some milk and cookies."

I gritted my teeth. "I heard him, just didn't care. But milk and cookies sound delicious." I replied seriously, which made the milk and cookies bit sound hilarious. Which... I didn't even notice.

Oran charged at me without warning, but I dodged his incoming blow. He then threw a punch at my face which I blocked with my arms. That knocked my stamina down a bit, but so far so good.

I decided to take to the air and did so. I flew straight up and stopped after I was a good 200ft in the air. Oran followed irritably, and when he got to me, we started to punch each other at lightning speed. I was surprised Oran was keeping up because I was going all out. I eventually had the upper hand and started to punch Oran rapidly. He spat up blood as I hit him in the stomach. I then started to throw in some kicks to his side, along with even a couple kind blasts in his face here and there. "This is for SHAY!!" I angrily yelled as I powered up to the max.

I was winning, that was until... I felt a sharp pain in my back that took my breath away... I looked down slowly and saw a blade through the side of my stomach. I coughed, and then went numb, and fell over backwards out of the sky. I gained more and more speed as I neared the ground. As I fell, I saw a blurry figure of Apele holding, within his hand, a now bloody dagger. His insane laugh at my condition echoed through the air, and Oran grinned evilly at me as well. A look of confusion formed on my tired face. The only question I had was, why? Why would a person be so ruthless? Do... Do they even care? Suddenly, everything went black. I knew I must have reached the ground.... but... was I dead?

The darkness started to fade and images began to form. I gasped and started to breath normally again. I looked up and saw Grandpa Vegeta with tears in his eyes as he sat down and held me in arms. I was in awe to see Grandpa... crying. I've never seen it before. "T-Tora!" Grandpa Vegeta said in almost a gasp. He... looked banged up bad.

I sat up and noticed I was healed. "What happened? Where's Shay!?" I worriedly asked as I gripped Grandpa's shoulders.

"Over here, silly." I heard a voice say. I looked behind me and saw Shay standing there with a smile. I stood up and jumped into her arms."SHAY!!!" I shouted in relief as I hugged her tight. I pulled back and examined her. "You're okay! But how?"

Grandpa stood up "Senzu Beans...” he tiredly said as he held up a pouch. I smiled gratefully at Grandpa, and he returned a weak grin. I could tell he was badly hurt.

But... just as I was about to advice a Senzu Bean, Grandpa coughed and then fell to his knees, holding his stomach.

"G-Grandpa!?" I screamed. I looked at who was standing behind him... it was Apele with his blasted dagger.

Apele smirked at me and stabbed Grandpa in the back again and Grandpa let out a loud yell. I screamed and held my hand over my mouth as I cried horribly. "S-STOP! What are you doing!?" I tried to say through tears.

Shay rushed past me and punched Apele in the gut, then the face, and then sent a powered up kick to the neck. He went flying backwards into a rock and she followed after him.

I staggered over to Grandpa who was lying on the ground, surrounded in blood. I knelt down slowly and turned him over. "G-Grandpa? C-Come on talk to me!!"

Grandpa opened his eyes slightly. "Tora..." he said as he breathed heavily, "It’s too late so for... forget about it."

I saw the blade went right through his heart... I even cried harder. I went for the pouch of Senzu Beans and opened it, but they were gone. That's why... he never healed. Because he was fighting when I was out.

"Darn it Grandpa why did you waste the Senzu Beans on me!? That was stupid!! No... no! Stay with me!! PLEASE!!!" I pleaded as I hugged Grandpa tight.

"...Be strong... my little princess." Grandpa replied... with his last breath. His grip loosened and his eyes shut slowly, as a signal tear ran down his cheek.

I laid him back down on the ground softly and stood up. I was furious... but extremely miserable, and sad. It was the weirdest feeling I had ever had in my life. Everything around me seemed to fade out and only this feeling was on my mind. I... I fleet it slipping. I had to let go...

I yelled to the top of my lungs in anger as tears shot from my eyes. Yellow light surrounded me and I powered up and the ground cracked around me. I decided after a long time of screaming I should stop and take breath... I fell to my knees and cried.

Shay shouted from far away. "T-TORA! You're... SUPER SAIYAN!!"

My eyes widened and I sprang to my feet and look at myself. I felt like my abilities had doubled. And my hair was yellow... I could hardly believe it. "I... I am..."

I immediately rushed over to Apele, who was about to punch Shay from behind, and punched him in the face. A loud boom sounded, like my punch broke the sound barrier. Once again, Apele went flying.

Shay smiled a cocky smile. "Congrats. Mind if I join?" she said as she went Super too. I nodded and looked up on a rock, and there stood Oran with his arms crossed.

"You take care of Oran... I've got a score to settle." I said in a serious tone.

Shay did a thumbs up. "Alright then. Good luck."

I returned the thumbs up. "Same to you."

Shay took off towards Oran, and I walked slowly over to Apele got in his stance with a smirk. "You're fighting me now. Prepare yourself for death." I said with a scowl.

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now