Chapter 17

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Shay-z’s POV

After the dust had cleared, I looked around for Oran. I knew he was still alive, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I landed and sat on a rock, waiting for him to try to surprise me. He never came, and I was starting to think he'd escaped.

Then I felt it, he was behind me, but I was too late. He kicked me in the back of the neck, and I went flying again. (I liked flying, but this was getting ridiculous!)

I caught myself before I hit the ground, and felt myself power down. I was hurt and out of energy. I landed on the ground and fell to my knees, holding my neck. 

Oran walked up to me, laughing. He held out his hand, like he was going to help me up. I stayed on the ground, ready for whatever was to come. 

"I can't fight you if you’re down on the ground," he said. "It's no fun to kill someone who's not going to fight back."

I looked up at him. He was serious. If our positions were switched, I would've killed him already, but he actually wanted to keep fighting.

"You didn't do this for my parents."

"True," he said, "but your parents were weak Saiyans, and deserved to die. That’s how the universe is; only the strong survive."

"You’re wrong," I said. "My parents weren't weak. The weak are people who don't defend others. They kill the innocent because they want to. The weak are people like you!"

Oran turned his hand to where his palm was facing me. I didn't have any energy left to fight back, but I was going to try to put him down as much as I could.

He created an energy ball in his hand, and I knew that if he threw it, I wouldn't survive. I looked at him with confidence. I knew I wasn't going to make it, but Tora would finish him off when I couldn't.

Suddenly, there was a huge blast over where Tora and Apele had flown off to. I knew Tora was alive after it had cleared, but I didn't know about Apele. I couldn't sense him like I could Tora. 

Oran was distracted by the blast, and I had gained some energy back. I stood, still holding my neck that hurt worse than anything I could think of. I remembered Tora using a move during the tournament, and I saw what damage it did. If I could pull it off, then maybe I could still win. But it looked like it took a lot of energy to use, and I didn't know if I had it in me. I flew into the air, and started to power up.

Oran kept looking for Apele in the distance. He didn't look at me, and I decided not to look at him until I was ready to use the attack. All I had to do was remember what the attack was called. Callmemommyha? Kamehamehooha? Kamehameha!! That's IT!

I had the energy stored after a few more minutes, and just for effect, I went Super Saiyan. 

Oran looked up at me and was shocked. He thought he'd beat me already, but I somehow had found the energy to fight back. 

I cupped my hands together by my side, and formed a ball of energy. It felt weird, because I'd never done it before, but right.

"!" I said, charging the ball in my hands.

"H-how do you know that one?!" Oran asked, terror in his voice, and even more obvious on his face.

"I'm a quick learner!" I answered. "And this is for my parents! HAAA!!!!!!"

I shoved my arms in front of me and let the blast at Oran, who was scared stiff. It hit him head on, and when the blast had cleared, he was laying on the ground, not moving. 

I landed and walked over to him. He was dead. I'd killed someone. It was the first, but definitely not the last, time I'd ever do something as horrible as this. I just hoped I wouldn't sink to his level.

I then remembered Tora was still somewhere in the desert, and I flew in her direction, so that we could leave this place and get her back to her family.

(Three more chapters, guys! Please comment and tell us if your enjoying this story.)

Dragon Ball NG: The New Saiyans-Book 1-Complete (A DBZ Fan Fiction Series)Where stories live. Discover now