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For almost my whole life, I've been bullied by Draco Malfoy. Now, it's the night before I go back to Hogwarts, and I'm dreading it more than ever. Let's just say, Malfoy is pretty strange.

I'm the only Half-Blood in Slytherin, which makes me the worst person ever to be born, apparently. But, I've known Draco long before we started going to Hogwarts, and even before he found out I was a Half-Blood.

My family and I had lived very close to his house when we were young, and he taunted me every day. When we moved, I finally thought I'd get away from him. Turns out, I was wrong.

What makes me say that Draco is strange, is the fact that he likes flirting with me as much as he likes putting me down. 

"You're pretty cute for a filthy blood-traitor, you know." He'd say. "I'd make you mine, but I don't want to be tainted in any way by your filth."

This year, I know things are going to be worse for me. My older brother, Luke, graduated from Hogwarts last year, and was no longer going to be there to protect me. I was definitely gonna miss him.

Anyway, from the room across the hall, I could hear my baby sister, Charlotte, crying. She was just a few months old, and had been keeping us up late into the night with her wailing. Soon enough, mum went to tend to her, and I wandered into Luke's room. I always went to him when I couldn't sleep.

Of course, he was strumming quietly on his guitar, humming. Luke really liked music, and planned on becoming a songwriter. Dad didn't really agree to that much.

When he saw me, he looked up, and smiled softly. "Hey, Violet. Can't sleep?" I nodded, and sat down on his bed. "What's your song about?" He shrugged, looking back down at his guitar. "Dunno yet. I'm still thinking up a good tune."

I listened for a moment, enjoying the soothing sound of my brother's guitar. I've loved the sound of it since we were young. 

Then, he stopped playing, and looked back to me. "I've been thinking about you, Violet. If that Malfoy kid picks on you, let me know. I'll make sure he gets what he deserves." I sighed, and smiled weakly. "I'll be fine, Luke. But, if things get too out of hand, I'll write."

"Good. I'm so sick of his damn mouth. I'll knock him so hard upside the head, he won't know what hit him." A look of pure anger spread across his face. 

"Luke, I'm going to be just fine. I promise you that nothing bad will happen. Trust me, big brother."

"Alright, I trust you. Now, you've got a big day tomorrow, so you need lots of rest. C'mon, I'll sing you a song." 

I laid my head down on a pillow, curling up under my brother's green comforter. He sat beside me, holding his guitar in his lap. Then, once we were both settled, Luke began singing his own version of 'You Are my Sunshine.' That was always my favorite.

Soon enough, I was sound asleep.


"Bye, honey! Have a wonderful term!" My mother cried, over the loud chatter at King's Cross. "Bye, mum. I love you so much!" I replied, hugging her.

"See you, pumpkin," Dad said, ruffling my hair. Charlotte reached over, and pinched my nose with her slobbery fingers, making me laugh. "I'll miss you guys." I told them, kissing my sister's forehead, and my dad's cheek.

"No love for me?" Luke teased, making me laugh. 

"Oh, come here you knucklehead!" I exclaimed, embracing him in a bear hug. 

"Remember what I told you, little girl." He said to me, holding me a bit tighter. 

"I could never forget, Luke. Now, behave yourself while I'm away. Watch over Charlotte, and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

He chuckled. "Alright, mother."

Suddenly, the train let out a loud whistle, making me pull away from my brother. "I have to go now. I love you all so much! Write weekly!"

Mum was crying into a handkerchief, while dad tried comforting her. Luke only rolled his eyes at them, and sent me one last wave. I playfully blew him a kiss, before boarding the train.

That was when the nightmare began.

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