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The week felt as though it had lasted for years. Finally, it was Friday night, but the chaos wasn't quite over for me.

"Violet, you and I have to have a girls' night! The girls in my dorm are so nice!" Hermione said to me, as we sat in the library.

"Am I even allowed to be staying in the Gryffindor Tower?" I asked her, looking up from my book.

"I don't see why not. We can do nails, and hair. Oh, maybe we could find some time to read a little as well." 

"Yeah, here's the thing. I'm not really into all that girly stuff. Plus, I have to write to my family." 

"Cut it out with the excuses. Write to them now, and we'll meet in the Gryffindor common room at 8:00. By the way, the password is Gillyweed."

Before I could say another word, she scooped up her books, and left. I sighed, knowing there'd be no way out of this girls' night Hermione was going on about.

Not that I don't enjoy having her as a friend. I just really needed some time to myself.

There was no time to waste. So, I pulled some parchment from by bookbag, and began writing a letter to Luke.

Dear Luke,

As usual, things here at Hogwarts have been pretty crazy. Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is completely mental. His name is Alastor Moody, and he was apparently a really good Auror. Don't tell mum and dad this, but he taught us about the Unforgivable Curses for our first lesson! He used the Killing Curse on a spider right in front of me. I'm sure you can imagine how badly that messed me up for a while. But, I'm fine now. Also, Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournaments this year. I'm sure you've heard of them. Students from both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are staying here. As if this place isn't already overpopulated! Anyway, I'm sure you'd be glad to hear that I made friends with a few Gryffindors. I think you called them the 'Golden Trio' or something like that. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are their names. Hermione is really smart, and she loves to read. Ron just seems to like food. Harry...well, he's cool. The thing is, he stutters a lot when he's around me, and his face is always turning pink. Once, I touched his hand, and he seemed to have some internal breakdown. To be honest, I think being famous made him socially awkward. I miss you, big brother!

See you soon,


Next, I began writing to my parents. I never told them quite as much as I told Luke in my letters. Mum's always looking for a reason to pull me out of school. She tends to miss me quite a bit while I'm gone.

Dear mum and dad,

Other than the loads of homework we've gotten so far, school's been going great. I made some new friends, and my grades are as high as ever. I just hope I can keep it that way. How is Charlotte doing? I'm sure she still keeps everyone up all hours of the night, just like always. Somehow, I'm starting to miss it as much as I miss you guys. 

Love you bunches!


Once both of my letters were written, I grabbed my things, and headed to my dorm to send them off, and grab some pajamas.

When I got there, I opened my trunk, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I would've picked out nicer pajamas, but I didn't own any.

After that, I placed my two written letters on my bedside table, leaving the window a crack open so Peep could find them.

Finally, I made my way to the Gryffindor Tower. 

Little did I know, there'd be a slight snag with my plan. It was going to be impossible to get past Malfoy, who was sitting in the common room, snickering with Crabbe and Goyle about something.

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