F i f t e e n

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It was a cold Saturday afternoon. A blanket of snow had completely covered the courtyard, which caused most everyone to stay in the castle. This was always the time when Luke and I would go out and build snowmen. I couldn't help but want to carry out that tradition.

So, I pulled on my winter coat and boots, along with a scarf, and headed outside.

As I walked outside, snow crunched under my feet, and an icy breeze hit my face. I shivered a bit, pulling my coat tighter around my body.

That was when I saw the trio standing together under a tree. Smiling, I made my way over to them. 

Hermione was the first to notice me. "Hey, Violet."

"Hi. What are you guys up to?" I replied, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Nothing much. Just enjoying our Saturday outside."

"I wouldn't say enjoying." Ron grumbled.

"Why not? Winter is beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"He's just being negative because he's cold, aren't you, Ron?" Harry teased.

"No! I just hate winter!"

"Alright, well while you pout, I'm going to find a good place to build a snowman. Any of you are welcome to join." I said.

"Harry will go with you. Ron and I need to study." Hermione told me, grabbing the redhead's arm, and pulling him towards the castle.

I watched them go, before turning to Harry. "Let's go, before all the good spots are taken."

He nodded, and walked beside me, as I headed off, in search of a good patch of snow.

Suddenly, Malfoy approached us.

"Hello, Violet. I've decided that the girl I wanted to ask to the Ball isn't my type. So, I guess you'll have to be my last resort." He sneered.

"Excuse me?" I asked

"I want you to go to the Ball with me."

"Er...I can't." I lied.

"Yeah? Why is that?" He inquired.

"Because...Harry already asked me, didn't you Harry?" I said, turning to the green-eyed boy.

"Y-Yeah, I did." Harry agreed.

"And you said yes to that thing? Wow, and I thought you could stoop no lower." The blonde taunted.

"Back off Malfoy! Like you're any better than she is!" My best friend snapped.

"Oh, but I am. You see, Potter, while my blood is by far the purest it can be, hers is not."

"Beat it, you slug!" I barked, shoving past him. 

With that, Harry and I continued walking together, leaving Malfoy behind.


"Violet, can I ask you something?" Harry asked me, as we headed back into the castle a few hours later.

"Sure," I replied.

"You said that you didn't have a date to the Ball, right?"

"That would be correct."

"Er...did you maybe wanna, you know...go with me?"

I looked at him, and smiled. "I'd love to go to the Ball with you, Harry. It should be lots of fun!" The inside of my body got all warm and fuzzy, while my heart leapt.

"Brilliant! Well, I'm gonna go find Ron and Hermione. See you!" Pure happiness filled Harry's eyes, as he hurried off in the opposite direction. 

I bit my lip, in order to keep myself from squealing with joy. This had been the first time I've ever looked forward to doing anything that involved wearing a dress, or doing my hair.

Quickly, I hurried to the owlery, to write to Luke about the good news.

Dear Luke,

I'm sure you know about the Yule Ball, considering the fact that you sent me a dress. It's beautiful, by the way, so thank you! But, I just got asked by Harry Potter! And I said yes! But, you'll never guess who asked me first! It was Draco Malfoy! Obviously I turned that uncultured swine down. I'm kind of nervous, because I have no idea how to dance. Professor McGonagall's been trying to teach us, but I've been failing miserably. It'd make me feel a lot better to know Harry can't dance either. Anyway, wish me luck, dear brother. 

I love you!


Once I finished my letter, I read it over, before nodding approvingly, and grinning. "Peep! I have a letter for you!" I called, looking around.

Soon enough, Luke's owl perched itself on the pane of the window before me. I tied my letter to his foot, and stroked his feathers.

"Thanks, Peep. Stay warm, it's cold out there." I said.

The owl only blinked at me, and hooted, before flying out of the window. I watched him soar through the sky, his wings outstretched as far as they could go.

Then, once he was out of sight, I headed to the Slytherin common room, where I worked on homework for the rest of the day.

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