T w e l v e

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Finally, the day I've been dreading for weeks had finally came; the first task in the Triwizard Tournaments. If only I could've locked myself in my dorm, never to come out. But, I couldn't betray Harry.

So, I trudged all the way outside, where a stadium was set up for the task. From the distance, I could hear people talking, and some laughing. I desperately wished I could've been doing the same, as though nothing was wrong.

"Violet! Over here!" Someone called to me, from my left. I turned my head, and saw Harry waving to me, gesturing to a tent.

I jogged over to him, my black and green robes flowing behind me. "I guess this is it," I said.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm just relieved that we're allowed to have our wands. Otherwise, I know I'd get killed." He replied, leading me into the tent.

"Harry, I'm so scared. I-I wish I could be brave like you, but I'm not." I stuttered, automatically entering a state of panic.

"You are brave, Violet. It's okay to be afraid. I am too, I just don't like showing it. You're a brilliant person. I know you'll find a way to make it through this."

The raven-haired boy pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. I hugged him around his waist, my racing heart slowly going back to its normal rate.

Suddenly, I heard the flap of the tent forcefully open, causing me to look in its direction. There, stood my father, and Luke, looking around frantically for me.

I pulled away from Harry, and lunged myself at my older brother, hugging him as tightly as I could. "Luke, I'm so scared. I don't know what to do!" I cried, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh, don't be afraid, baby sister. I've got you. You'll be just fine, I promise," He soothed, running his fingers through my hair.

"Oh, my poor baby girl. How did this happen?" Dad asked me, while rubbing my back.

"I don't know. Someone older had to have entered mine and Harry's names, but we don't know who." I explained, feeling my body trembling even worse.

That was when Professor Dumbledore walked through the flaps of the tent, followed by a few others. 

"Good day, Champions," He began. I turned around to face him, but remained in the comfort of Luke's arms. "Gather 'round please."

My brother gently pushed me forward, so I stood in the circle with the other Champions. I was between Fleur and Cedric, while Harry and Viktor stood on either side of Professor Dumbledore.

"Now, you've waited, and wondered, and at last the moment has arrived! The moment that only the five of you can appreciate." The elderly man continued.

"By that, I'm sure he only means three of us," I muttered over my shoulder to Luke, who nodded in agreement.

When I turned my attention back to the lecture, Hermione had rushed out of the tent, causing me to frown.

"Barty, the bag." The Headmaster said to the man standing behind him. Barty Crouch happened to be the man that forced Harry and I to compete.

Crouch arranged us, so that I was standing between himself and Harry. Then, he turned to Fleur, who was on his opposite side, and held the bag out in front of her. "Miss Delacour, if you will," He said.

The blonde girl reached into the bag, flinching as she did so, and pulled out a tiny green dragon, which made small grunts, and flapped its wings. Fleur looked up at her Headmistress, horrified.

Next, was Viktor, who pulled out what Crouch called a 'Chinese Fireball.' Cedric got the Swedish Short-Snout, which left only Harry and I.

Harry reached into the bag first, only to jerk his hand back. In his palm, was a spiky, fire-breathing dragon. It looked utterly vicious, and by far the most dangerous one.

Finally, it was my turn. 

With a trembling hand, I reached into the bag, feeling around for my own dragon. Once my fingertips found something scaly, I grabbed it, and held it in my palm.

Dad and Luke leaned over my shoulder to see which one I'd gotten. But, when I opened my hand, I found a bronze-colored dragon, looking around alertly. 

"That's a Peruvian Vipertooth! It could kill her with just a single bite!" My brother raged.

"Isn't that the idea?" I mumbled under my breath, still staring down at the dragon.

"Nevermind that now. Our first Champion is competing soon. If you are not a Champion, please exit the tent immediately.


"Let's go, Luke." My dad said, dragging him towards the door. "Good luck, sweetie, I know you can do this!" He called to me, as they left.

Then, the task began.


"Harry! Thank goodness you're alright!" I cried, hurrying over to my green-eyed friend, as he entered the tent after his turn.

His face was covered in soot, and his hair was messier than ever. In one of his hands, he held his Firebolt.

I hugged him tightly, inhaling the scent of sweat and fire at the same time. He quickly returned my hug, still trembling from what had just happened.

"I'm fine, Violet, don't worry about me. You're up next. Just remember one thing for me," He said into my hair.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Grace under pressure."

Before I could question him, a voice boomed from outside. "And now, our final Champion: Violet Austing!"

Harry pulled away, and looked into my eyes. "You'll do great, Violet. Don't forget what I said, and good luck."

I nodded, and walked towards the exit of the tent, pulling open the flaps. The entire center of the stadium was filled with rigid rocks, with a golden egg in the very middle of the rubble. But, I didn't see a dragon.

Pulling my wand from my pocket, I cautiously stepped forward, still looking for the dragon.

Suddenly, I heard a deafening roar, and a flash of copper dashed past me, knocking me onto my back. I quickly pushed myself up, only to see the Vipertooth a few yards away, glaring at me with golden brown eyes.

I jumped to my feet, and began running, just as it charged at me. Unfortunately, the dragon was much faster than I was.

Just as it snapped at me with its sharp teeth, I jumped off of the edge of the rock I had been running on, and fell onto another. The crown around me gasped, and began shouting.

I rolled over, only to see the dragon ready to pounce on me. But, before I could move, it had already jumped, and landed with its feet on all sides of me, trapping me.

Using one of it's claws, it swiped at my face, leaving a gash in my cheek. I yelped, as it wound burned like fire, and hot blood spilled down my face.

Then, the Vipertooth opened its mouth widely, ready to bite me. A small drop of venom dripped from its tooth, and landed beside my head. It sizzled as it burned through the surface of the rock.

'Please, don't hurt me. I just want to live, that's all I ask. Let me go, I beg you!' I mentally cried, while silently sobbing.

All I could do was wait for the impact of the dragon's teeth sinking into my skin to come, but it never did. I opened my eyes, only to see that it was staring at me, with its head cocked to the side.

Then, it released me, allowing me to stand up. For a moment, all we did was stare at each other, frozen.

Strangely enough, the dragon walked towards the egg, and rolled it towards me with its nose.

I walked forward, slowly putting one foot in front of the other, before carefully bending down, and picking up the egg. 

The crowd cheered loudly. But, over all of it, I could hear Luke shouting, "THAT'S MY BABY SISTER! GREAT JOB, KID! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!"

I smiled waving in his direction, before looking back into the dragon. "Thank you,"

It nodded, before using its venom to melt the chain holding it in the stadium, and flying off.

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