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The next morning, at breakfast, I sat alone at the end of the table. It took some getting used to for me to do this, as I was so used to having Luke with me. I began wondering when he'd write.

Then, as if on cue, my brother's owl swooped down, and landed in front of me, with two letters tied to his foot. Luke had let me name the owl when I was 7, so I named him Peep.

"Hey there, Peep." I said, untying the letters from his foot. He hooted in reply, nipping my finger playfully. I chuckled, stroking his feathers, before opening Luke's letter. 

Dear Violet,

I hope you're having a good time at school so far. Has Malfoy been on your tail lately? You haven't forgotten what I told you, right? Anyway, things around here have been pretty dull. Dad keeps telling me to get a real job, and help pay for the roof I'm living under. Mum's been so tired from dealing with the baby, that she's always sleeping. I miss having you around, knucklehead. I can't wait until you come home for Christmas, or maybe you'll get expelled before then. Just kidding! If you get expelled, I'll beat you senseless.

Love you, baby sister!


I laughed once I finished reading his letter. Christmas break already felt like it was years away. 

After folding Luke's letter back into its envelope neatly, I opened the letter from my parents.

Dear Violet,

Even though it's only been a day, we already miss you! Hopefully, you're b--

Suddenly, my letter was snatched from my hand. I looked up, only to see Malfoy standing there, holding it in his hand. "Aww, mummy and daddy are already writing to you? How sweet! In fact, I bet it's cute enough for the whole school to hear, you know?"

"Don't you dare read that out loud, Malfoy!" I spat, swiping at him. He dodged me, and cleared his throat.

"'Dear, Violet!'" He began, loudly, silencing everyone. Crabbe and Goyle grabbed my arms, holding me back as I lunged at him.

"'Even though it's only been a day, we already miss you! Hopefully, you're being a good girl, and staying away from trouble. It seems as though it was just yesterday when you were still in diapers, and spitting up on Luke every time he held you. Just know that we all miss you very much, and that we hope you're having a wonderful time. Love, mum and dad.'"

The whole Slytherin table roared with laughter, while everyone else only snickered. My face had turned scarlet, as I finally snatched the letter from his hand.

"If Luke was here, he'd kick your sorry a--" I started, only to be cut off. "Oh, but he's not here, is he? You're all mine now, sweet cheeks. Now, if you'll excuse us," I watched, as he and his goons stalked out of the Great Hall, as everyone continued laughing.

Quickly, I scooped up my books, and hurried to my first class. Just as I stepped out the door, someone grabbed my arm.

I wheeled around, only to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry, who had grabbed my arm, released me, and gave me an apologetic look. "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright? Why, of course I am! It's not like I was humiliated in front of the whole school, now is it?" I snapped. The three of them looked a bit guilty, making me feel bad. "Look, I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just so tired of him always picking on me. I can tell that this is only going to get worse."

"No, it won't." Ron said, making me frown. "What makes you think that?"

"We're your friends, Violet," Hermione told me. "Friends stick up for each other."

I was completely baffled. Never before had a Gryffindor told me I was their friend. A huge grin broke out on my face, making the three of them smile. "You guys w-want to be my friends?"

"Well, yeah, we do." Ron confirmed. I never could've been happier. Finally, I'd have more friends, other than Luke's. He'd be so proud of me. 

"Would you like to walk to class with us, Violet?" Hermione asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yes, I would."

With that, we headed off to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

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