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I didn't talk much for the rest of the day. Harry, Ron, and Hermione tried their best to comfort me, but nothing they said made me feel any better. 

As I sat in the Slytherin common room, working on my Potions homework that evening, I heard a few boys come in, laughing about something.

"Oh, look! It's spit-up girl!" Malfoy cooed, coming up behind me. "Spit-up girl? That's your worst one yet." I grumbled, rolling my eyes. 

"Actually, I didn't come up with it. Pansy did after she heard that little letter from your mummy and daddy." He explained, chuckling. 

"Yeah, yeah, tell me when I care." 

"You seemed to care today, didn't you? Oh, you should've seen the look on your face when that stupid spider died! You looked like a constipated dragon! You went from hot to the most hideous monster in all of Hogwarts!" He and his goons roared with laughter, making me stand up, and glare at them.

"Yeah? And you're about to go from the most hideous monster in all of Hogwarts to the most hideous monster in all of the world if you don't shut your mouth!" I snapped.

Their laughter quickly ceased, as they glared at me ten times harder than I glared at them. 

"So, you think you're gonna do something about it, don't you? That sounds so hilarious, I should laugh in your face right now." Malfoy sneered. "But instead, I think I'll show you who the superior one is."

Just before he could Jinx me, Professor Snape came in. "Mr. Malfoy, I don't think that it would be very wise of you to try using magic against Miss Austing under the supervision of the Head of your own House!" He hissed.

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle hurried off, leaving the two of us alone. This had been the first time I had ever seen Snape yell at Malfoy for anything.

"Thank you, sir." I said, giving him a respectful nod.

"Miss Austing, you are one of my highest achieving students when it comes to Potions." He told me, ignoring what I had said. "Unfortunately, a few foolish Gryffindors feel as though they do not need to make any effort to pass my class. I am simply here to ask a favor of you."

"Sure, Professor, anything." I replied, wanting to make up to him for saving my skin.

"I'd like for you to tutor one of my careless students. I figure it will help significantly, seeing as you tend to try to acquaint anyone you meet. Would you agree to this?"

"I don't see why not. So, er, who will I be tutoring?"

"I'm sure you are quite familiar with Harry Potter. You'll be starting tomorrow evening, at 7:00. Neither of you are to be late."


It was around 6:50 when I headed to the dungeons to tutor Harry. I didn't really know how we'd start off, because I had no idea what he already knew.

By the time I had arrived in Professor Snape's classroom, I found Harry sitting at a desk by himself. Snape was nowhere in sight.

"Hello, Harry." I said warmly, placing my bookbag on the desk across from him. He smiled at me, his cheeks turning pink again, as I sat down. "Hey, Violet. Thanks for helping me out."

"No problem. I feel like I owe you for, you know...being so nice to me. It really means a lot." 

"You don't owe me anything. I like being your friend. I guess not all Slytherins are so bad after all."

We both laughed quietly, before I pulled a textbook from my bookbag. 

"So, Harry, what areas do you feel you struggle with the most?" I asked, flipping through the pages of the book.

"Er...everything." He replied, sheepishly.

I chuckled, and closed my book, pushing it to the side. "Alright then, we'll start simple. I'm going to help you brew up a Blood-Replenishing Potion. According to my brother, Professor Snape really likes making fourth-years make antidotes."

Harry flipped through his own book, until he found the page that instructed one how to make the Blood-Replenishing Potion. 

"Snape did say that we could use his stuff, right?" He asked me, studying the list of ingredients.

"No, but I would see no point in teaching someone to make a potion with just words." I answered, heading over to the supply cabinet. There, I grabbed a cauldron, placing it on the desk.

"Here, I'll help you find the ingredients." Harry offered, walking over to the cabinet, standing beside me. "First we need Honeywater."

I studied the many jars filled with liquids, and other objects, before finally finding a jug labeled 'Honeywater.'

"Found it!"

Soon enough, we had gathered all the needed materials, and were ready for the actual potion making.

"Alright, so the first step is to pour 12 ounces of Honeywater into the cauldron." I said, grabbing a measuring cup. 

Harry poured the proper amount of Honeywater into it, before pouring it into the cauldron. "Alright, now I think we need to bring it to a low simmer, according to the book." He told me.

"That would probably be necessary." 

Apparently, both of us had the idea of turning the dial to heat up the Honeywater. Harry placed his warm hand over mine, just as I touched the dial.

He froze, causing me to do the same. Did I do something?

Finally, he released my hand, his face now turning a crimson red. 

"Harry, are you alright? Your face is all red." I said, frowning.

"Er, yeah, I-I'm fine. It's hot in here, don't you think?" He stuttered.

"Actually, it's a bit chilly down here to me. After all, we are in the dungeons." 

"Right, yeah. D-Do you want my jacket?"

"A jacket would be quite nice, thank you."

So, Harry slipped off his grey jacket, and handed it to me. I pulled it on, loving the feeling of his body heat warming me up.

With that, we continued making the Potion.

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