2| Friends and Foes

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Dedicated to:whatamifeeling

Thank you so much for always supporting me and making me feel proud of my existence XD I know you asked me not to thank you but I can't help it!


"I feel like I'm waiting on something that isn't going to happen"


Claire's POV

The warm Californian breeze caressed my face and enlightened my senses. I hopped off my mom's car and waved her goodbye.

My mom's eyes were fixated on me, her gaze held pride with a tinge of worry. I turned away from her and faced the gigantic Whitney Highschool. It towered toward the sky like a huge monster – it scared me.

From all around me, the teenagers made their way inside. I could already spot new faces of freshmen. I turned back to the highschool building.

Okay Claire, pull yourself together. This the senior year – the last year and then, you're out!

Taking a deep breath in, I exhaled loudly and started to drag my legs toward and into the entrance. I kept my glance to the floor to avoid meeting the gazes of the students around, not that they'd recognize me. I was a stranger here.

A minute later, I found myself walking down the locker corridors – the scariest place in Whitney High. You'll find the weirdest shit happening here.

Accidentally, I met my gaze with three elegantly dressed girls standing by the lockers. I coaxed the corners of my lips into a smile. None of them returned it. Instead, I was greeted with a snarl, disgusted looks and their backs on my face.

Awkwardly, I cleared my throat and silently strolled toward my locker trying to pretend as if I didn't see it. 

I ceased to a stop when I saw a bunch of jocks playing basketball in the middle of the corridor, blocking everyone's way. The basketball bounced violently off the floors and the lockers. I gulped, realizing what it could do to my face. 

I could see my locker on the other side and tried to get through. It was impossible. These boys, in bright red varsity jackets were all around the place, shoving and hitting eachother playfully.

"Umm...guys?" I called for them to give me way but none of them seemed to hear me as they continued their aggressive game "I...uhh...need to get to the other side!" I exclaimed, a little louder this time.

The guy nearest to me looked in my direction. I gulped, staring into his beautiful blue orbs, into the eyes of the basketball captain – Carlton Hargrave.

The ultimate heartthrob, a living fantasy of almost all the girls in Whitney High. The white V-neck tee that he wore under his jacket made his abs prominent and every girl seemed to steal glances at him as they walked by. A bunch of girls in the corner were checking him out hungrily as his gaze drifted up and down my body.

He toyed with the basketball in his hand, held the gaze and smirked "This place is occupied, take a different path"

"But-" before I could finish my sentence, he turned away and continued playing. And maybe, just maybe, he muttered 'nerd' under his breath ever so condescendingly that I felt as if I was someone no one gave a shit about.

It was true though – no one ever gave a shit about me.

"Okay I will...umm..." I muttered to myself because clearly, nobody was listening. They were busy cheering for Carlton as he dodged his friend and passed the ball to another one "I'm gonna...take the other way then"

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