4| Decisions and Dangers

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Dedicated to:jenniejohnson2345

No thank you for being my bestie and holding all my weird secrets (don't you dare go around telling them to anyone)


"Physical attractions are common, but a real mental connection is rare. If you find it, hold onto it"


Claire's POV

Clutching my food tray with trembling fingers, I turned away from the food stall. My eyes bashfully scanned the ocean of students flooding in all directions, several of them taking seats with their friends at the dining tables.

I lifted my feet and began walking, trying to look for a spot to sit on, amidst the awfully loud and chattering students who threw disgusted glances in my direction.

Logan was in the library with Breanna, 'helping' her write that essay. I never anticipated that he'd choose the lunch break to do that or I would've never convinced him to go with Breanna. Adriel was nowhere in sight; she was probably hanging out with the cheerleaders.

I was all alone now and everyone was clearly taking advantage of that. Whenever I tried to claim my spot, these teenagers placed a random object there or just scooted to occupy the space, indicating that they weren't interested in seating with me.

I sighed. The surroundings suddenly felt unfamiliar. A notion of trepidation gushed into my heart and pumped down the length of my body. If the people here were to pull a silly prank on me right now, there would be no one to extend a helping hand in my direction.

Boldly, I began strolling further down the room when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Hey there, Cookie Jar"

I smiled to myself instantaneously. I whirled around, staring into the bright blue eyes of the person I craved the most at that moment.

Logan flashed a winning smile at me and asked "No seat?"

"Forget about the seat" I smiled back, teasingly "Why are you not with your girl, Breanna?"

His pupils dilated, a hint of amusement lingering in them "My girl? My girl? You've got to be kidding"

An involuntary chuckle left my mouth "Nevermind, you guys are just too cute. So, what happened?"

"It wasn't that complicated of a topic" he rolled his eyes in response "I explained it to her within minutes and by the way, I wouldn't want to leave you wandering around here looking like a helpless loner, would I?"

Was that supposed to make me feel better? I kind of found it offensive.

"Very funny" I spat back "I don't need you to kill my loneliness" I lifted my chin high, turned around and stomped away, immediately spotting a vacant table in the corner.

I occupied the table and Logan slumped besides me, his expression still holding humiliation "Admit it. You need me"

I do, Logan. I really do.

"I don't" I replied, sternly, lifting my vegetable sandwich off my tray.

"You do"


"Oh look" he suddenly spoke up, the tone of his voice changing slightly "The dreamboat is here"

I ceased right before putting the sandwich in my mouth as my body froze. Dylan Summers had occupied the table that was a few feet away from us.

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