34| Bonds and Beyond

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Dedicated to:NavyaJain16

Thank you so much for reading my story and for the votes! Your sweet comments motivate me to continue :)


"We could build a universe right here

The world could disappear,

I just need you near..."

~'Uncover' by Zara Larson

Claire's POV

A cool Californian Sunday, where the whirling winds carried with it the glee from the oceans and people rose up from their slumbers, ready to face the challenges that awaited them.

I rested on my window sill, back leaning against the wall, my gaze feverishly scanning the activities around me.

A young kindergarten kid hopped enthusiastically out of my neighbor's house, a school bag draped across his shoulder, his mother clasping his tiny hand amid hers with caution. The rhythmic sounds of footsteps of a middle-aged man, jogging past my house, reached my ears.

The trees swayed melodiously with the breeze, its whoosh and rustle like music to my ears. Aromatic and freshening, reminding me that monsoon was just round the corner.

A dinging sound echoed throughout my dark room. My eyes were directed towards my cell phone that lay unattended on my bed. My room lurked with shadows, utterly dull, lifeless. It once used to be so lively, so full of colors when he was here with me.

There were so many memories in this room. Everything there reminded me of a moment in the past, memories that were fossilized and impossible to forget.

It's no use to brood about that anymore. It's over Claire.

Endeavouring to pound the tattoo of this truth in mind, I slid down the window sill, clutching the edges for support in case I faint.

The cell phone case felt freezing under my touch. As I lifted it, the material seemed iron-clad, threatening to slip out of my trembling hands.

The contents were hidden "Logan Walker now" was all the notification said.

My heart came up to my throat as I sucked a breath in, my mind swiveling with fear. My heart began to hammer frenziedly against my ribcage.

I had given up, I had no idea he would text me. Wait...what if he wants get back with me? No, what if he wants to tell me he was done with me?

I was petrified with what the near future held for me, petrified to know what his text would say. Even if I chose to ignore this, I would still have to face him again.

It was useless to make possible scenarios. The text is what it is, it wouldn't change. Funny how a single text was capable of tearing me apart, fixing me back again, driving me crazy with terror.

I smashed my lips together and opened the text. Breathe.

"Please talk to me" 1min ago

My hands fell weak, my bones crushing and breaking in my body. He texted 'please'. It was hard to process the kind of emotions it contained.

There was no way I was ignoring that text.

"Okay" I replied.

His reply was instant "I'm at your door, come down"

I almost jumped out of my skin. He was at my doorstep. I was just there at the window; I didn't even see him come. How long was he here?

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