12| Anger and Anguish

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Dedicated to:holdmeclosely

Thank you for the votes and the sweet comments, buddy!


"I know he is not my boyfriend - but he is still mine!"


Claire's POV

It was finally Friday and I found myself stomping into Whitney High in my bright crimson-coloured stilettos. It was hard to stand upright and occasionally, the heels would sink into the cracks of the bricked tiles, of the parking lot, causing me to lose my balance. But with all the vigor I possessed, I managed to walk straight.

Upfront, where all the dangerous motorbikes were lined, a couple was making out. It took me no time in figuring out that it was Adriel.

James half-sat on his motorbike. One of his hands was around Adriel's back, and the other was buried somewhere in her long brunette hair, pulling her closer than she already was.

I winced, strolled up close to them and coughed loud enough for them to hear me and turn around.

Adriel was breathing hard but she managed to throw a timid smile in my way "Good Morning Clairy!"

"Morning Addy and...James"

James still held her in his arms like a dying man. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He had the most beautiful lips I had ever seen. I shall admit, his smile was the best thing about him. It was contagious.

How lucky Adriel was to have a guy who cared about her so much. You can say by the way he looked at her, that he was really into her.

He snaked his hands behind Adriel's neck and started kissing her again. Maybe it was just meant to be a peck but it turned into a make out session and I was forgotten. Well.

"Umm, I guess, I should get going then" I shrugged shyly and ambled away from them, knowing that they didn't hear me.

Once I was inside the school building, I immediately spotted Logan by his locker. He as usual, was busy reading some novel, with his locker door wide open.

My heart instantly soared into unknown territories at the sight of him. He looked interesting that day. He had a fitting navy-blue cashmere sweater on, with the sleeves rolled half-way up. And wait, were those Jordans on his feat?

He looked really attractive in this new look he had pulled; I bet it was James who suggested him.

"Wassup Logan!" I jogged up to him, bearing in mind that I had stilettos on and if I slipped, I would become viral. The teenagers in my school had this horrible habit of filming shit and posting it online.

Thankfully, I finished my journey from the entrance to Logan, safely.

"Hey there Sugarlips" he beamed as he looked up at me.


"You know, you should stop with these awkward nicknames"

Actually, I didn't want him stop. It was pretty cute of him to come up with names for me. It made me feel special, since he never talked to anyone else like that. But my pompous attitude had to raise the point.

"No way" he replied casually.


I wanted to drag the conversation further because everytime I talked to him, he'd look straight into my eyes, staring deep into my soul, making me feel as if he was really interested in what I'm talking about.

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