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Wow. That's really the only word I have to describe what I'm feeling right now. Wow. Once again I'm at the point of the writing process where I get to look back at all the crazy time I spent into creating this little story, and the end product always amazes me. Seriously if any of you are writers I strongly encourage you to write your own book. Write about anything and everything. Write every single day, even in tough times and even in happy times. Pour your heart and soul out onto the page and I promise you will be shocked by what you are able to do.

The mind of a writer is a complicated one, and to any who understand what a writer goes through, make sure you keep them close at your side. In my life this would be my Mother. She constantly encourages me and pushes me to do my best in life, and in my writing it is no different, so I dedicate this story to her. I also dedicate this story to any and all who dream of a world filled with magic. I've come to learn that we are, indeed, surrounded by magic every day. It's in the laugh of a baby, or the first bloom of spring, or the first kiss of a relationship. Magic exists, you only have to be wise enough to see it. And I see it so clearly in all of you. You all have the potential to do amazing things and I hope the world gives you the best it has to offer.

This book has been so different for me than any of my others (which is something I never thought I would hear myself say... that I have multiple books) because of many reasons. I fall in love with my characters easily, and let me tell you, saying goodbye to them is one of the most difficult things I have to do.

I often times think about my characters in my other books. I wonder how Kat is doing now that she's in charge of her own Neverland. I wonder what Lil and Peter are up to, but knowing them I would definitely say it's some type of mischief. And now, as I'm writing these final words, I already feel a longing for my characters. For Slightly's adorable attachment to Ophelia, for Wendy's reconnection with Ophelia, for Peter's quirky attempts at wooing Wendy, and especially for Arthur's witty but swoon-worthy banter with Ophelia. The characters become your children, and watching them grow and evolve is another type of magic.

SO, now comes the part in my acknowledgments, if you've ever read one of my other books, where I tell you that I'm going to be trying to move on from my Neverland days and become a serious author who writes a book with a new concept.

Well, surprise, THE STORY ISN'T OVER YET!!!

Who's story, you may ask?

Well Ophelia's story of course!

I'm making an official announcement as of right now that Extra Darling will be edited and rearranged to create a three book trilogy.

That's right!! You get triple the romance, triple the heartbreak, and triple the drama.

As of now I'm working on splitting up "Extra Darling" into three books, whose titles are yet to be decided. I'm going to keep the basic plot line the same but elaborate and elongate parts that were previously skipped over in this singular book.

Like when exactly does Ophelia realize her feelings for Arthur, especially when she has made a promise to her Father that she would marry a man of his choosing?

And what happens when Arthur and Ophelia spend days running from the Fairy Kingdom, who have them pegged as murderers for setting off an explosion that killed civilians? And what happened to the Queen's daughter that has her set on edge about Ophelia's connection to Skye?

Plus lots of other new drama such as Slightly's entrapment by Hook, Arthur's past life as an orphan, and much, much more!

It's going to take me a lot of time to get everything organized, but once I do, expect to be seeing a lot of changes to this story. But the awesome part is... I'm going to submit the trilogy for publication!! There's obviously no guarantee of anything but I'm hoping that the next time you read about Ophelia's adventures it will be in a paper copy!

Thank you all again for sticking with me on this wild ride of a story. I will never be able to express enough what it means, as a writer, to see such positive feedback on my work. You guys inspire me every day, and my hope with this story is that you all learned something. What ever that may be is up to you, but I'd like to think it's something inherently good.

Until next time, don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for a glimmer of a certain second star to the right! I hear tell that Peter will be making his way back some time soon, and he's looking for lots of lost kids to join him this time. I know I'll be there. I can't wait to see you all on the sandy shores of our very own Neverland.

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