Why do I still try to be as good at art like tragician_child

Mena stop yourself.

Your art skills are shit jesus fucking christ

Okay so everyone I'm friends with say my art skills are "goals" or "really good" including my family but how much do you wanna bet if I showed it to someone that didn't know me they would gag at it

I mean...like... Just look at this shit...

Don't pay attention to the head under it I was attempting to draw Gerard from ASOTM in third period but ridiculously failed

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Don't pay attention to the head under it I was attempting to draw Gerard from ASOTM in third period but ridiculously failed


I fucking hate third period like jesus christ no I don't want to learn about drama over a fucking tiny cannon that happened over a hundred years ago. Social studies can go fuck itself.

But hey

I have French class tomorrow at least it'll be at little bit funner. Why am I in choir I wanna be in art.

Oh jesus I'm ranting I'm sorry

Hey Mama just came on.


I showed that song to my mum yesterday and she looked like she was about to stab someone cause she wants me to "save myself from the ocean of fire"

Like honey no I'm gay af (is actually pan) I'm going there anyways don't look in any of my 13 art journals you might find some phan or frerard porn drawings in there

Okay I'll stop ranting and let you go about


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