Okay so I know I haven't been on here very often but my friend told me about this AMAZING APP THAT'S CALLED TAPAS ON MOBILE AND TAPASTIC ON THE WEBSITE I THINK AND IT'S SOOOOOOOOO GOOD OMFG. okay so it's basically a website that is like wattpad and deviantart had a baby. So I think there's regular stories that are written like here but then-here's the best part-there's also stories THAT ARE COMICS WOOOOOOOO okay so it's really nice and I've basically used up all my internet data loading the comics and shit but it was definitely worth it. Anyways I think I'll update p.s. sometime this week or next week and I think that'll be the last chapter. Also I have this song stuck in my head


also I got into Radiohead recently cause I was already into them before but that was just like a few songs but now I actually like the whole thing and it's just the BEST. THING. EVEROkay so it's not the best thing ever but it's pretty damn nice and it's now one of my favorite things to listen to.

Also I showed this to my mum

and she looked like she was about to either try to throw my phone across the room or slap me as soon as it was over.

Anyways that's all I guess you little peanut mushrooms

Bye darlings :)

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