okay so I'm wearing a skirt (gasp I know) and it's surprisingly comfortable and like I know I don't exactly have a specific gender but this skirt isn't even mine it's my mum's but my mum is almost the same size as me just about 4 inches taller and just little itty bitty bit thicker so yeah I'm wearing her skirt. anyways IT'S SO COMFORTABLE AND IT'S ALL FLOWY AND IT'S WHITE AND IT KINDA LOOKS LIKE A SKIRT THAT A HIPPIE WOULD WEAR.

okay so the other day my sister asked me that if I "didn't have a gender" then why did I act so feminine most of the time and that made me wonder if I confused some of you with the way I acted so I told her that even though I act feminine that didn't mean I felt like a female exactly. okay so I act like a female most of the time but I'll still feel like a guy but I'll just feel like a feminine guy. she was still pretty confused but she understood me a little better and I hope if any of you were confused then I hope I cleared it up a bit.


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